How to Win Over The Lust Of The Eyes

How To Win Over The Lust Of The Eyes

The eyes of man is a window. It serves as an intermediary between man and the outside world. Similarly, the mind is designed to control a person's character and to what direction we think. Looking further we see the eyes is the opener of the mind to the outside world, reason being that the eyes is refers to as the light of the body, for the eyes is the access point to our mind now that's why the Lust of the eyes is one of the major sin we have to deal with if we have or want to make tangible positive difference in our world and most especially our immediate environment.

The beginning of iniquity is always from the eyes, for as we know the iniquity is the state of ones heart in obedient to the flesh so if we as believers really want to make tangible difference, you will have to discipline or make a convenient with your eyes just as job said in job 31:1: "I have make a convenient with my eyes, how can I look upon a virgin", from this scriptural text we find out that we need to have control over our eyes.


Now What Really Is The Lust Of The Eyes?

  • Lust of the eyes is looking at the things that triggers the dominion of the flesh.
  • Lust of the eyes is giving access to that which corrupt or defile the mind and the body.
  • Lust of the eyes is not studying that which will edify our mind.
  • Lust of the  be is also spending time studying that which corrupt the mind.


Having listed the four laws of the eyes, we will now look at ways on how to win over the Lust of the eyes.


The first thing is to discipline and make a covenant with your eyes just like Job. You must make the decision and be deliberate about it. This decision covers that you  shall not to look at things that can corrupt the mind. Thereafter, commit your decision to God for He is faithful to help. There is a need to acknowledge the fact that only God can save and help just as Scriptures say in Psalm 121:1-2 " I will lift up my eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help ? My help cometh from the Lord who made heaven and Earth".

You can also spend time studying books that edify, and most importantly, the word of God. In 2 Timothy 3:16 : "all scripture is Inspired by God and profitable for teaching, reprove, correction, for instructions in righteousness". For the scripture is very vital and important in the regeneration of our mind.

To be totally free from lust, you need to walk in the spirit by
1. Reading your Bible
2. Praying Every day

Read your Bible
Pray everyday (3x)
Read your Bible
Pray everyday
If you want to grow


Also, engage prayer to win over the lust of the eyes. No man can ever grow beyond his prayer alter. As such it is necessary to make prayer a lifestyle.

Finally, if you are struggling to win over the Lust of the eyes, spend time studying that which edifies the mind and renews the mind on daily basis. Meditate on the word of God continually and exercise control over your eyes.

All will be well.

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