The Lord Jesus had done a notable sign amongst the people that made them believe, and that was the sign of feeding a very large number of persons with very limited resources. Who could have thought that would be possible? But it was with the Lord, and with just five loaves, and two fish, five thousand people were fed, and it was even more than enough. Truly with the Lord, nothing is impossible.
This made the people believe in him such that they began to seek after him. Although, while some believed genuinely, others didn't. Jesus knowing the thought of the heart of men said to them that they sought after him not because they saw the sign which he did but because they ate of the bread, and were filled. He then told them to labour more importantly for the bread that does not perish.
Having been able to give a brief account in the book of John, and in the sixth chapter, we shall in our study today be considering a question which was asked by the people who came to Jesus, and also to see his response while trusting the Lord to speak to our hearts. The passage of scripture is seen below,
'Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent"(John 6:28,29).
After Jesus had talked with them, they asked him a very important question being certain that the words of Jesus must have pricked their very hearts. They got to see for themselves what they were truly after, not the Lord or the signs, but the food to be filled. And being told by the Lord Jesus where more priority should be placed, they needed to know how to do that, and so they asked.
The works of God wasn't something grievous, although it was needful they asked because they didn't know what the work was but the work wasn't something they couldn't do. How did we know? Because of the response of Jesus in the next verse. That the work of God was to be done by believing on him whom God has sent (Jesus). It was that simple. To come to know him, and to live for him. To confess with your mouth that he is the Lord, he is the Son of God, he is your Saviour, he is king, and to keep believing that he is. That is the work of God. And that was the answer he gave them.
Perhaps they are many reading this today who still do not know how to work the works of God? It is not as complex as you might have imagined in your heart. It is not grievous. All that is required from you is to believe on him whom God has sent. Believe that he is the Son of God, believe that he is Lord, and Saviour of the world, believe that he is also your Lord, and Saviour; believe, confess, and keep believing that he is, and forever would be. That is what it means to work the works of God. May the Lord help us all. Amen.
Thought for the day
Working the work of God is not grievous, it is however rooted in believing on the one whom the Lord has sent, and to keep believing.
Gospel Today is a comforting, exhorting, edifying and inspiring devotional published by the Delightsome Land Christian Ministry. For questions, enquiries/testimonies, please call/WhatsApp: 08174915361, 08161655758 or Email: [email protected].
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