Do Not Fear: Gospel Today Devotional - 17th January

2nd Timothy 1:7 records that as believers, we have not been given the spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. This means fear has a spirit that backs it up and we have not been given that spirit. What we have as believers and have been given by God is the spirit of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. The scripture says fear has torment and it is not supposed to be seen at work in the life of the believer since it negates that which we have been given; fear creates in anyone an unstable state of mind. It is not from God. Praise God.

You Need Not Fear: Gospel Today Devotional - 17th January - The New Man Movement

This is why in scripture many times the Bible says to fear not, why? Because we do not have the spirit of fear in us. Until we begin to live in the reality of this truth, that which would take over us would be fear, not because we have the spirit of fear in us but rather because we do not know that this spirit has not been given to us by God. Praise God. We are not to fear for fear as it were is not of God. This beyond reading should sink into your heart.

This is that which the Lord in the study today will be pointing our attention to and the comfort through the promise in his word that would come to us. May the Lord help us to live daily by his word. The passage of scripture today is seen below,

"Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh. For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken."(Proverbs 3:25, 26).

Let's examine the passages of scripture above, shall we? First it says be not afraid, why? Because you do not have or better put have not been given that spirit; the spirit that sponsors fear. It is not at work in you, and as a result, fear should find no expression in your life. What should you not be afraid of according to the text? It says not to be afraid of sudden fear, neither the desolation of the wicked. This implies that there's the kind of fear that is sudden; and maybe sometimes things happen that you do not expect that creates a sudden panic in your heart.

Read: Today, 17th January in Christian History

It could be that you're on your way to a place and all of a sudden something happens that tends to sweep you off your feet,the scripture says not to be afraid. It says not to be afraid of sudden fear, neither the desolation (ruinous plan of the wicked) when it comes. This means that it will come but the reason the word of God is coming to you today is that when eventually it comes, you will not be afraid.

It says that the Lord (the one who watches over you to keep, and to preserve your ways) shall be your confidence; meaning that the Lord shall be the reason for your boldness. He shall be the reason you will look at the sudden cause of fear, and not be afraid, and shall keep your foot from being taken. This means there would be protection for you. The one who watches over you to keep you will not allow you to be taken by sudden fear or to be oppressed by the wicked. You need not fear is that which the Lord seeks to bring to your consciousness today because he will be your confidence and he will keep your foot from being taken. May the Lord bless his words in our hearts. Amen.

Thought for the day:

You do not have to be afraid of sudden terror or any plan of the wicked when it comes because the Lord your God will be with you to keep you.

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