Biography of Pastor Lanre Rex Onasanya


Full Biography of Pastor Lanre Rex Onasanya - The New Man Mivement

Born 16th July, Pastor Lanre Rex Onasanya has been committed to communicating the realities of our inheritance in Christ and the glorious riches of the Holy Spirit's presence for over 20 years. He firmly believes that every believer in Christ Jesus would live a victorious life if they are taught to see themselves the way God sees them : a glorious new creation!

Pastor Rex or P. Rex as he is popularly called is the President of Lanre Onasanya Ministry, the founding Pastor of Spirit of Life Christian Centres in Ijebu-Ode and Lagos, Nigeria and now the Lead Pastor of Spirit of Life Christian Centre Canada.

Pastor Rex is an ardent teacher of the word of God. Having served in different ministerial capacities, he was ordained as a pastor in  November 2000. Afterwards, he received a call in 2005 to launch out and starting with a few outreaches in 2006, he was instructed to go to Ijebu-ode and have the base of the ministry there. In November 2006, a weekly fellowship commenced which ran for 12 weeks and on 28th January 2007, the church arm was born with 7 members. The church and ministry as a whole has grown tremendously since then, with God’s word taught and received, hundreds of lives affected, word and ministry-conscious people raised and a land gradually influenced for Jesus.

A graduate of Mass Communication, he is very passionate about the next generation, greatly desiring to see them walk in the fullness of all that God has made available in Christ. Pastor Rex is also very respected for his practical, non-dogmatic approach to the bible and has inspired many to have a personal relationship with God’s word.

A simple man with very rich content and a very easily understandable approach at teaching God's Word, P. Rex's life is a testament to the strong power of God at work at Spirit of Life Christian Centre and the great grace upon his life and ministry. Pastor Rex is a consistent man of God who  teaches the Word of God with simplicity, precision and authority. He leads and guides with God's love at the heart of it all. He is a great role model and great influence to many. He regularly hosts the Influence of the Spirit, a monthly teaching meeting held in the city of Lagos, Nigeria.

He currently makes his home in London Ontario, Canada with his sweetheart Bukola Onasanya and their sons, Rex and.

Resources byPastor Lanre Rex Onasanya

As a man of God, Pastor Lanre Onasanya has the following resources to bless lives.

  • Spread The Fire Part 1
  • Spread The Fire Part 1 
  • Spread The Fire Part 3 

Pastor Lanre Rex Onasanya is active on social media. You can connect with him via his official handles on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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