Christian Drama: Flee Youthful Lust

Karibamayari: G firstborn
Eyo: G bobo
Sis Glory: Odunayo Ayomide
Pastor: Ayodele Adeniyi
Bro Gbenga: Issachar Papae
Church Members: G bro prayo, Ebiye Inieboloufini, Prince Oyakhilome, Olorunfemi Stanley, Daniel Adedayo, Sister Ayo, David Ibimodi

Curtains: G middle,
Light: Sis Mariam
Makeup: Sis Chioma
Sound: Ayotola Oluseye
Costume: Sister Mercy
Director: Mudasiru Eniola Ruth

Act 1

(A brother was seen on stage praying)

Oh Lord my God, it's high time I got married…
I need a good wife. A tall, beautiful woman who is full of God's blessings in front and behind. Let her be spiritual enough to fight my battles in the place of prayers. Father, let her know how to cook both the continental and intercontinental dishes. Your word says he who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favour from the Lord. Let me find a good woman and obtain your favour, Lord.

My God, I don't want a jobless lady too. I want a visionary lady who is also financially stable Jesu…

(Places hands on head keeps praying as the curtain closes)

Act 2

(Stage opens to see Karibamayari)
Karibamayari: See him! He is empty! Anointed but irrelevant, intelligent but useless. Nothing is working in his life. He has lost his savour. He has gone in the way of Solomon and made his errors.(karibamayari laughs)

Because he was full with bread, he became proud and trusted in his abundance. See his unfaithfulness! 
Otijoraeloju!!! (speaks in Yoruba and called the spirit of Lust)

Eyo! Eyo!!

Eyo: Yes master.

Karibamayari: I want you to go meet this young man. He has been trying to cause havoc and constitute spiritual nuisance here for a while now…

I want you to sap his savour. Take his sweetness. Twart his consecration, disorganize him and let him die empty. Ultimately, give him to the ministry of Delilah, the strange woman (psm 2:18)

Eyo: Yes Master

Act 3 Scene 1

(Sister Glory is seen looking at the glass. She is talking to herself as she fixes her makeup and prepares to go to church)

Sis Glory: See fine baby now. See as I fresh… Omo to dun… (continues hailing herself) I want to quickly get to the church today so I can sit in front. I must look takeaway today ooo. Who knows maybe today is the day my partner… my man… my second half will locate me.

(She smiles to herself and curtain closes)

Act 3 Scene 2

(In a church, Bro Gbenga s seen sitting at the back eyeing Sister Glory)

Pastor: For in Jesus mighty name we pray
Church: Amen
Pastor: Shall we share the grace in fellowship
Church: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and sweet fellowship of the Holyspirit be with us now and forever more, amen.

(Church members discuss and leave the stage while Bro Gbenga rushes to meet sister Glory)

Bro Gbenga: Good morning beautiful and amazing sister of the Most High God. I'll like us to know each other better, I'm Gbenga by name and you are?
Sis Glory: I'm Glory
Bro Gbenga: I see you're in a hurry. Can I get your digits if you don't mind
(Curtain closes as they exchanged contacts)

Act 4 Scene 1

(Sister Glory is seen praying and meditating )
Sister Glory: Ever since I started talking with this bro Gbenga, I noticed we haven't said anything concerning spiritual matters. All we have been talking about is how beautiful I am and many other vain things. Hmmm. I've also been feeling like the spirit of lust is strong around us when we meet. It's so bad that this is even happening while I'm yet to accept his proposal…(she looks down in pity for herself and starts to sing.. I am your own 2x…)

(Curtain opens as Bro Gbenga is seen kneeling down and tormented by Eyo, the spirit of wickedness)

Bro Gbenga: Ah! I am doomed… I can't go back to God,I can't even forgive myself…I didn't know the Holyspirit will leave me so soon. I just wanted to taste the world a little. (Bro Gbenga weeps bitterly) I should have run for my dear life. I thought if Sis glory didn't give me chance other sisters will do and I got want I wanted oooh (Puts hand in mouth in regret). I did not truly kill lust in my life and the tiny smoke was fanned back into flames.

Eyo: I have no time to listen to you. If you like yourself, keep shut before I slit your tongue out…

You! Yes you!! You're anointed right? (smiles dryly) You thought you were consecrated too? 
I pity you. I just wonder how God allowed you grow to become a man of God, Man of God my foot! A man of God that is filled with sin? A man of God that lives with lust? I have been waiting for your time to choose a live partner so I can show my face. You thought you overcame lust but I never really left. I sat silently (laughs), waiting for this day. Have you forgotten that He who loves the world, the Love of the Father is not in Him?

How hath the mighty fallen? This little yeast of sin will soon cover the whole bread. If you don't take heed, that tiny mustard seed of flesh will soon have its best on the land of your life (Laughs emphatically as curtain closes)
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