Christian Drama: Love not the World

Title: Love not the World
Text: Genesis 3:6 ;1st John 2:15-18

Christian Drama: Love not the World

Spirit Woman/Lust of the Eyes - Sister Ayomide (A Chief)
Lust of the Flesh - Sister Juliana
Pride of Life - Sister Chioma
Ade - Bro Joel Olutoto
Sunday - Bro Ayodele (Barrister)
Ade's Mother - Sister Ogar Praise (Prayess)
Ade's Father - Bro David (Issachar Papei)
Sound: Eniola Ruth (ADD)
Light: Bro Kingsley and Sister Rachael
Curtains: Oluwatosin Shalom), Bro Moses and Bro Stanley
Costume: Sister Mercy and sis Juliana
Makeup: Sister Chioma
Photography: Bro Niyi (Publo)
Excerpt Writing: Bro Prince Oyakhilome and Bro Peter (G - Issachar Papei)
Directors: Eniola Ruth (ADD) and Nelson Vincent


Scene 1

(Two parents are seen on stage advising their son, Ade)
Mother: Hmmm... Ade, we have taught you  in the way of the Lord and by God's grace, I'm sure that you will not fall victim of the devil's devices. We believe you will make us proud. You know we don't have so much, but all that we have is what we have given you to resume in school. I commit you to the hands of God, my son. (Turns to her husband) That'll be all for now. Daddy Ade, please help me talk to Ade oo.

Daddy: You have spoken well mummy Ade. My son, there's this saying that "a word is enough for the wise". My advice for you is that when you get there, mingle with like minded people. Join the fellowship of believers and don't forget to watch and pray. In this world, it is easy to be carried away with the many pleasures. Please, always remember God. If you stay with God, there are so many benefits that you'd reap in return so don't exchange God's plan with yours.
I know that you will have issues with money, especially because we cannot send so much. Please manage whatever you have. The little we send as God helps us, please be contented with it. Don't allow the devil push you to go after riches in a wrong way.

Ademola: Thank you so much Daddy and Mummy. I'll keep these words in my heart
Daddy Ade: (pointing at Ademola) Ade, are you done with packing your luggage? Is everything set already?
Mummy Ade: That’s true oh, my dear. So you don’t forget anything. (Faces Daddy Ade) I even had to help him with packing at some point.
Ademola: Yes sir. Trust me daddy. Everything is set.
Dad: Good, let's see you off to the park so you can quickly get going
(They stand up and leave the stage)

Scene 2

(Two friends, Ade and Sunday were gisting as they Approach the stage)

Sunday: Kaii! Things are really difficult oh. I've not had good food to eat for over one week now. I've been soaking Garri consistently and it's almost growing on my head.

Ade: Seriously, it's the same thing for me, and even worse. At least, you have been soaking Garri. I've not had any food for three days straight now, and I'm not fasting. If I stand here for too long like this, I fit fall for ground my guy.

Sunday: Omooooo! That's serious oh! How come? Didn't they send you money from home at all?

Ade: Of course they did oh. I had to use it to pay for some materials, bought some books and register for my class practical. That's why I don't have shishi currently.
Sunday: My brother, we honestly cannot continue like this oh. I'm now considering options oh. I need to make money as soon as I can.
Ade: (looking at Sunday with much enthusiasm) Tell me how you want to do that. Which job are you applying for? We could do it together on a part time basis oh. I'm willing to do anything legal to make money because I can't always depend on my parents. ,
Sunday: I've not found anything yet oh, but at this point, I can even do rituals to get money oh. I'm desperate and time is not by my side. Close your eyes and open it now, then you'll see that we have graduated and in the labour market. 'I really need to make this money oh.
Ade: Hmmm. Let's see how this goes. Abeg, let me know when you're making these moves oh. Don't keep me in the dark. We need to make this money together oh my guy.


Scene 3

(Stage opens to show a spirit woman adorned with so much beauty and splendor. She hosts the trio of the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life)
Spirit Woman: I am a tripartite being - the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life - all joined together. I will show up in my diverse forms to steal virtues and draw people away from God. I will turn their hearts to love me alone. I will give them money and great riches, fame and vain glory, power and authority for just a while. (Laughs hysterically) And in exchange, I will take their souls. I will make them love the world and leave their God… I'm coming for all you believers whether you think you're strong and bold or feeble and weak. I will put the love of the world in your heart and turn you away from God! This is my mission and I'm committed to it (laughs continually till curtain closes)


Scene 4

(Curtain opens on the battle ground. Ade is seen in a tug of war with three sub-spirits - the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life.)
Lust of the Eyes: I am the lust of the eye and in this mission, I'm leading my sisters. I want you to see that you have lost it, young man. Accept defeat, Ade. You have no depth. All the virtues in you will be dissolved. They are gone, all I see in you is the manifestation of myself and my sisters... Look at the wealth of this world and see your wretched state. I'm asking you to come over to this side. Let us win you over so you can enjoy the goodies of life and access wealth in abundance. My sisters here will take good care of you too.
Lust of the Flesh and Pride of Life: Absolutely, Ade. We are waiting for you. Don't struggle young man. Just let us win you over once and for all. With us, you will be happy. We are not lying to you. We will do you good, Ade.
(Ade begins to lose the strength to contend)

Ade: No no no, I love righteousness and hate Iniquity. I can't love the world. Nothing shall separate me from the love of the Father… (Ade falls to the ground, still holding the rope. The lust of the eyes goes close to him) and tries to put something (sweet) in his mouth.
Spirit Woman/Lust of the Eyes: See my dear Ade, you are weak and tired. Taste of this goodness I bring to you. it burnt my tongue.
Ade: Noo. I will not. The love of this world is enmity against God. Even if my battery level is 1%, I still love God and I will choose that which pleases him over the world.
(She changes her face and turns to her sisters)
Lust of the Flesh: Hey, We have found nothing in this young man. He clearly loves the Lord and has shut his eyes against the things of this world which we are offering him. If we don't leave here soon, we will be burnt with fire.
Pride of Life: That's true my sisters. I suggest that we leave him oo, but let's keep an eye on him… and come back. Let's think of another strategy. He will succumb
(Ade in his weak state keeps praying for help. An Angel walks in while the spirit sisters are conversing)
Lust of the Flesh: (Seeing the angel) Ah! See what I told you! The man in white is here to help Ade. I told you this was a bad idea. Let us leave now!
(As they prepare to leave, the Angel calls them back)
Angel: From this moment, You have lost the battle over this man's heart. He has chosen to love the Lord instead of the world that you represent. Not wealth, riches, fame or glory will take Him away from God. I know you will come again to try your luck, but I will give Him strength to prevail. I will give Him strength to choose life over death. I will teach Him to
Love and give him strength to love me above all things…
"The world is passing away, and with it its lusts [the shameful pursuits and ungodly longings]; but the one who does the will of God and carries out His purposes lives forever." - 1 John‬ ‭2:17‬ ‭AMP‬‬


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