The way of wisdom.

Hi, you are welcome to this blog site and its my pleasure having you here. This blog site is created with the inspiration of revealing to you the way of wisdom which is also the name of this blog site.
Probably you are already thinking like “what does he mean by the way of wisdom?”, don’t go too far, you’ve come a long way, just read on.
The scripture declare expressly in 
1Corinthians 1 verse 24 saying “But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God”.
I hope this concludes the fact that Christ is the wisdom I would be referring to. Let’s continue, I believe you are still there.
Proverbs 4 verse 7 (KJV) say's “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding”. 
That is to tell you that wisdom is more than any gold you can get on earth, and also for us to have a fulfilled and victorious life on this earth -- yet with the hope of getting home (in eternity) -- it is therefore a necessity for you to get wisdom. Hosea 4 verse 6a (kJV) say's “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge….” 
That is to say God's people, the children of God are destroyed for lack of knowledge. 
I can now make it more clearer to you that the term “the way of wisdom” is therefore nothing but the practical application of the knowledge of the word of God or of the knowledge of the truth in our daily life. Probably you are  already asking
yourself that “does he mean I can’t use my brain to do the daily calculation?, or I can’t get things done myself?” -- as I have also ask myself once before -- no! that’s not what I mean but the scripture says in 
Romans 1 verse 28 (KJV) - "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;" in fact the message version makes it more clearer saying “Since they didn't bother to acknowledge God, God quit bothering them and let them run loose.
Hence for you to walk in this earth and not to miss out of the promises of God for you and also to obtain all he has prepared for you even before you were given birth to (as he has said that the  thought he has for you are thoughts of good and not of evil to grant you an expected end), and also not to loose hence, we must acknowledge God’s wisdom to direct us in our life. I was once asked a question which goes thus -- “all this earth quake, disease outbreak and death rate, is it the will of God, is it the work of God, has God planned it to be happening to us” -- my reply was no, Why? 1 John 4:8 says that “God is love” so God is a loving God not an evil worker, so therefore, for you not to be caught up by the evil in the day, the tricks, traps and temptation which the devil has laid ahead of you in the day it is therefore necessary for us to walk in the wisdom of God my brethren, it is just very important for us to walk in the wisdom of God, if you can recall the bible talks about the devils foolishness in 1Corinthian chapter 2 reading from verse 7 - 8
But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory, Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory”. 
That is to show that the devil himself does not have access to the divine wisdom of God, why? This is because if assuming he had access to the divine wisdom of God from the scriptures he would have known that the death of Christ would have caused him a great loss which he can never regain. 
As you follow me on this site we would be looking into the life of Christ which is the wisdom am referring to, the practicality of the word of God in living a Godly life and how to bear fruits that glorifies God in every of our daily activities.
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Thanks for your time I do appreciate that  and hope to see you next time.

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