The Lord indeed is faithful to his children such that he gives them the needed strength to do that which he wants them to do. All that we need has been granted to us by his grace. There's the ability he gives to do that which he desires of us as his children. Never at any point should we think that we cannot do that which is expected of us, why? Because his grace is sufficient for us, and that he has given us all things that pertains to life, and godliness. Praise God!
When you ask someone to do something, the first thing he talks about is his inability to do that which is expected of him. He talks about how insufficient he is, and what deficiencies he has. How that he may not be able to move his leg, raise his hand, open his mouth to speak, and which of course are all excuses. Being pressured to do it not minding his excuses, he would discover that the ability to do that was resident in him but he just didn't know about it.
As believers, we must realise certainly that although we can do that which is expected of us by the Lord, it is not by our strength but because he who expects us to do such things works in us at all times to see to it that we do his good pleasure. In our study today, we shall see something very important, and I trust that the Lord help us understand that which he wants us to see. Amen. The passage of scripture under consideration is seen below.
"Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. [12] I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. [13] I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Philippians 4:11-13).
The Bible talks about contentment; that godliness in line with contentment is great gain, isn't it? Yes of course, and what is contentment? Being satisfied with that which you have or have been given such that you're not moved by what another person has. The major reason many contentions arise in the body of Christ is as a result of the absence of this very important godly virtue. And I trust the Lord to give us deep enough understanding of this spiritual truth.
In the text above, the apostle Paul talks about this godly virtue. How that in whatever state or position he was, he was satisfied with it. It didn't matter if it was pleasant or not. It didn't matter if the place was beautiful or not. It didn't matter if he had everything at his disposal or not. In all things, and in every place, he learnt to be satisfied with that which he had. And look at what he said, not that he did that by himself, but he was with the belief that as long as Christ strengthened him, he could do everything. And in this context, to be satisfied with whatever he was given, and wherever he found himself.
This is an admonition to every believer, that we by the strength the Lord gives live to be satisfied with that which we have, and that which we have been given, and that wherever we find ourselves as well, we should be satisfied. This is possible, why? Because the Lord gives his strength for this godly virtue. There's the strength from God to be satisfied with what we have, and have been given, and with where we are. We can do it because he strengthens us. May these words exhort your hearts today. Amen.
Thought for the Day
You're to be satisfied with what you have, have been given; where you are, or where you're taken to. There's the strength from the Lord to be satisfied.
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