God is Good: Gospel Today Devotional - 19th December


When you say something is good, it could mean quite a number of things. It could mean that something is suitable for use, or that someone is deserving of a particular favour like. However, to drive home the message of today's lesson, we would go with this definition - to be good is not to be bad or wicked  (in very simple terms). I want to believe the definition is clear enough, and easy to understand. Humans are good or humans can be good but the issue most times is this, that the goodness of man is based on conditions.

God is Good: Gospel Today Devotional - 19th December - The New Man Movement

Haven't you noticed that many people are good when the people to whom they show that goodness keep doing things to make them happy? You agree, right? There are good as long as such persons do things to please them, and act according to their taste so to speak. If the person by chance to whom they show such goodness does things they do not like, you discover that there's this tendency to act another way, and a different side to them is seen. This means that a man's goodness most times is influenced by how good the person to whom he does good is. Men most times are good to those who are good to them. It only takes one with the nature of God to act otherwise.

Read: Today, 19th December in Christian History

The Lord has been gracious to us as we have been able to see through this series how that God's attributes cannot be separated from him, and how that he cannot act outside himself because these things define him as well as his actions. Today, we shall be seeing another one of God's attributes which is the goodness of God. The passage of scripture under consideration is seen below,

"The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him" (Nahum 1:7)."For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee" (Psalm 86:5) . "For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations"  (Psalm 100:5).

Reading through the three texts above, just like we were taught in mathematics, we would discover that there's a common factor between them. This means that there's an agreement between all three scriptures; they all agree to the fact that God is good. There are other scripture that talks about the goodness of God but we would make do with these three for this lesson. Hallelujah! God is good! God doesn't try to be good. He doesn't struggle to be good. God does not pretend to be good. God is good. The Lord himself is a good God. Goodness defines him. That is his nature. He cannot act otherwise. God is not bad, God is not evil in nature, God is not wicked. God is good.

God's goodness is available in the day of trouble to deliver, God's goodness is another reason for his mercy, his goodness gives room for forgiveness accordion to this text. He is not just good to those who are good, else the wicked would have perished without repentance but his goodness makes his mercy available so men would repent and be forgiven, and his judgment will not come on them. One thing you must know is that all these attributes of God cannot be separated from the other, why? Because one is the reason for the other. His goodness, love makes his mercy available, and his mercy prevents his judgment as many as would hearken.

It doesn't matter what happens, always remember this, that God is good. He is not wicked. He has no bad intentions towards you neither will he cause evil to befall you. His plans towards you are good, and peaceful. God is good. This is also to say that as sons we are to show this trait as well, and that we do not be overcome by the evil people do to us, but that we should overcome their evil with good, why? Because God who is our Father is good, and as his children, having received his nature, we are too. God help us all in Jesus' name. Amen.

Thought for the day: God is not wicked. God is not evil. God cannot be wicked neither can he do evil to anyone. It is against his nature to do so. God is good.

Gospel Today is a comforting, exhorting, edifying and inspiring devotional published by the Delightsome Land Christian Ministry. For questions, enquiries/testimonies, please call/WhatsApp: 08174915361, 08053662272 or Email: [email protected].

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