Tunde had been the one showing the kindness, and it looked as though Mike was taking him for granted. They had been friends for three years, and all through this period, he was the one showing love, apologizing for faults, getting the gifts, and all. This he continued until it got to a point he could no longer take it.
So on this particular day, Mike did something that got him very upset, and he was forced to talk back at him. This happened because he felt used, and was the only one sacrificing for the friendship. He had gotten to a point he could no longer continue with his kind gestures toward Mike. This altered their friendship because he stopped being the person he was to Mike. If only he was patient and didn't get tired all of a sudden, things would have been better.
Isn't this the way it is with us as believers many times? We want people to recognize our efforts in their lives, we want them to show the same love we show, and most times we do things so others can do to us what we did to them, and if they don't, we get discouraged and tired. It ought not to be so. Let's see the words of the apostle Paul in the scripture below,
"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not".(Galatians 6:9).
Why could he have said this? Did anyone think about that? I want to believe the apostle Paul knew for sure that as believers, our efforts in the lives of others; loving them, caring for them, and being there for them, may not be appreciated at first or even at all.
He understood the fact that it is possible we may become tired, and unhappy about the fact that other people do not get to see our influence in their lives. They may not appreciate your giving, your time, your care, etc. They may not reciprocate it just like Mike in our story.
One would think that the apostle Paul would tell us to stop but he didn't do that. The counsel he gave instead is that we shouldn't be weary in well doing, never to be tired of it, whether or not people seem to appreciate or acknowledge it, and that we should continue because, in the end, we will see the change we desire to see. Just stay at it. Do not be tired, do not give up. The scripture says not to be weary. The Lord helps us all to keep doing what we do without getting tired whether or not it is appreciated. Amen.
Daily Nugget: Dear believer, whether or not people acknowledge or appreciate what you do, do not be tired of it because, in the end, you'll be glad you did if you do not give up.
Prayer: Lord, whether or not people appreciate what I do in their lives, help me not to be weary in doing good.
Gospel Today is a comforting, exhorting, edifying and inspiring devotional published by the Delightsome Land Christian Ministry. For questions, inquiries/testimonies, please call or WhatsApp: 09168301042 or Email: [email protected].
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