6 Types of People You Will Meet at Crusades

Crusades are undoubtedly the oldest and largest gathering of Christians. Every year, month or week as the case maybe, Christians across the world gather for the primary purposes of communing with God and propagating the gospel of Christ. As expected, diverse people and personalities  grace these occasions, each one with a different purpose and character traits. While we cannot specifically speak for other parts of the world, people who are familiar with crusade settings in Nigeria know what is obtainable here.

 Inarguably, there are over a thousand types of people at crusades, however on today's  Christian metro series, we will happily take you on a ride, analyzing six types of people you cannot avoid at Nigerian crusades. Regular crusades attendees and newbies, hop on! 

1. The Business Moguls

We all network as humans; no doubt, however this category of crusade attendees strongly believe the violent must take it by force. They do not necessarily care about cutting edge messages or miracles, they are only at crusade grounds to market their products or services.

2. The Spinsters and Bachelors

You cannot miss these people. These ones act in response to the biblical tenet" Whosoever finds a wife( husband) finds a good thing." As they understand thousands of eligible people will be at crusades, they come with their A- game. While some are composed and simply hopeful, others go overboard. The male members of this family are famed for approaching young ladies with profound tales of having visions, getting messages from long video calls with God, insisting he (God) has exclusively stamped the union between them and the young lady of their choice.

3. The Up and Coming Ministers/ GOs

If you have ever had any experience where someone walked up to you to share a dream, encounter or revelation of God particularly giving him/ her the mandate to singlehandedly change the world, kindly take your well deserved seat at the front row. This set of people take pride in themselves as up and coming Mummy and Daddy GOs who will truncate any barrier on their way to getting teeming members.

Read: Biography of Pastor Joel Beeke

4. The Violent

Brethren, talking like Apostle Paul would, I wish above all things that you never meet these guys. This set of crusade attendees have never been known to anchor or facilitate anything remotely close to peace. Trampling their feet unintentionally, sitting or even breathing could spell doom for you with these people. The kingdom of God has suffered violence from the days of John the Baptist after all.

5. The Expectants

Don’t believe that every one comes to the crusade ground with an expectant heart - some don’t. If your faith is ever shaky, a glimpse of the expectant crusade attendees will give you all the hope and optimism you need. Everybody loves this set of attendees as they simply carry on with the activities with a clear understanding of the business at hand.

6. The Overzealous/ dramatic

They are certainly a fave. These brethren are solely responsible for all theatrics at crusade grounds. The subtle intro of a worship song, sermon or exhortation is always a call for the overzealous to overspice things up. The next time you are at a crusade ground, I am certain you will not miss those brethren that are quick to lift chairs, yank scarves off heads and run away with offering boxes.



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Image Credits: Day 2 Crusade and Drama Night of the January 2024 Mbede-Akaeze (Ivo) Rural Rugged programme convened by the Nigerian Christian Corpers’ Fellowship (NCCF) Ebonyi State Chapter


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