Christian Poetry: In this Life by Olajide Akoni

In this life, I've wandered far
on a desperate quest
Drinking smart ideas, full of zest
Trying to quench my thirst -
Still that dryness deep within,
Just could not be filled

Christian Poetry: In this Life by Olajide Akoni

With stubborn pride
I've battled storms
And climbed some rugged hills
Stumbled through rains
Betrayals, pains
Thinking joy could be found by sheer will

Until my strength was broken
And I fell down on my knees
heart weighed with silent pleas
Then light fluttered, a token
Of hope, as I finally yielded
To that odd message Ìyá Àgbà
 had often foolishly wielded

Sillier words indeed
had never been revealed
That a man should die for all mankind
And I became a fool to heed
Yet it sank within
An unlikely seed
Now it springs upon my tongue as a creed:

I believe God the Father sent His Son,
who died and rose on the third day
After I believed, the Holy Ghost has come
To seal me till the Perfect Day

No warlock (like Bàbá Òṣìkà)
No angel or fallen star
No circumstance
Pleasure or pain
Shall return me to things vain -

For I have found the heart of heaven
The delight of the Almighty
I'll walk with Christ 24/7
Till He brings me to Eternity

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  1. Olajide, the sky the starting point. Nothing will stop you. This is brilliant.

  2. Wunderbar! A spectacle this piece is, every word makes me reminiscent of a time in my life. And along with the “creed”, to walk with Christ everyday of ones life.

    It's rather refreshing to read through these words. Well done!

  3. This is just profound. Well done

  4. This is a beautiful piece


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