The Old Testament Books
Genesis - Moses
Genesis, the book of beginnings, overflows with leadership lessons. It profiles some of the greatest leaders in the Bible - but everything begins with God, the ultimate leader. After creating the universe and the planet on which we live in, he handed leadership of the earth over to humankind.
Exodus - Moses
The Book of Exodus records how God's people failed to cooperate, doubted the vision, disobeyed the rules, worshipped material things and forgot their goals. All of which delayed their dream by 40 years. Not only did the people doubt Moses, they also doubted God.
Leviticus - Moses
Leviticus describes the beginning of a new era for the Israelites. The first 16 chapters teach us how to approach God, while the last 11 chapters teach us how to relate with Him and each other. The Book also lists blessings for obedience and consequences for disobedience.
Numbers - Moses
The Book of Numbers records how Israel's leaders implemented the ceremonial laws of Israel. The people of Israel learnt to function as a camp. It tells how God sets in order their religious, civil, and military economies in preparation for the worshipping, conquering, and journeying that was ahead.
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Deuteronomy - Moses
The Book of Deuteronomy is largely about the story of a leader, Moses, who challenges a new generation to embrace and implement a God given vision for the promised land.
Joshua - Joshua and Phinehas
This Book is all about Israel moving in and settling the promised land. Although it took the Israelites many years to do it, they finally possessed it. And Joshua led the charge the whole way. Joshua represents and encourages every second generation leader. He finished the work Moses could not complete and led the people of Israel to victory in the promised land.
Judges - Samuel
During the times of the judges, public opinion leaned heavily against a monarchy. Only external pressures applied by prospective invaders eventually promoted the people to demand a king. At the time of the judges, God Himself reigned as Israel's king while the judges served as under-shepherds.
Ruth - Samuel, Nathan and Gad
The Book of Ruth tells us about the qualities of loyalty and integrity in the life of Ruth, a Moabite woman widowed at an early age. She found herself faced with the option of abandoning her widowed mother-in-law or risking life in a foreign land. She chose to stay committed to her friend and mentor, Naomi, and her uncommon decision ultimately paid off.
1 Samuel - Samuel, Nathan and Gad
This Book sows how Samuel, a prophet of God anointed kings; as the interpreter of the divine word, he counseled and challenged kings. Serving as judge in the years just prior to Saul's monarchy, Samuel embodied the three great functions of prophet, priest and king.
2 Samuel - Samuel, Nathan and Gad
Second Samuel begins with the death of king Saul and Prince Jonathan. Although, the prophet Samuel had anointed David king long before, only after this incident does he begin his monarchy. David refused to assume any royal authority until Saul, God's anointed king, had died.
1 Kings - Jeremiah
First Kings describes the reign of King Solomon . Despite his wisdom, he lacked focused leadership. He begins well ,but he becomes distracted from any moral obligation. Before Solomon left the way of God, the lord greatly used Him. Kings and Queens from distant lands visited him and became acquainted with the God of Israel.
2 Kings - Jeremiah
The second Book of the Kings of Israel and Judah describes the final days of the divided kingdom before both halves fall into captivity. As much as anything,it is a story of failed leadership.
1 Chronicles - Ezra
First Chronicles focuses on the recovery of the ark of the covenant, the temple construction and dedication, and Israel's worship. It emphasizes God's mercy especially in relation to David's shortcomings and stresses the King's service to God.
2 Chronicles - Ezra
Four Kings - Solomon, ,Asa, Uzziah, and Jehoshaphat _ all began their monarchies well, but failed to finish strongly. Each enjoyed both success and fame as a leader, but they let the good times get to them. They began to overestimate their own importance; they grew blind to their weaknesses and refused accountability; and they started to trust in human integrity rather than in God.
Ezra - Ezra
The Book of Ezra records the fulfilment of God's promises through Jeremiah to bring the Israelites back to their land after 70 years.
Nehemiah - Nehemiah, Ezra
This Book provided extremely pragmatic lessons in sound leadership principles. God remains clearly visible from the beginning.
Esther - Mordecai
The Book of Esther tells the story of a woman who is beautiful inside and out. Mordecai, an older cousin takes her under his wing in her early years. As a gorgeous Jewish woman, Esther is chosen to replace Queen Vashti as the consort of King Ahasuerus. She marries into the royal family and over the years deepens her influence.
Job - Job
The Book of Job describes one man's hellish loss of nearly everything he holds dear, including his ten children.
Psalms - David and several others including Asaph, Ezra, the sons of Korah, Hemam, Ethan and Moses.
Bible readers through the ages have flocked to the Book of Psalms. It's poetic words reflect the entire range of human emotions. The various writers of the psalms aim to express their deepest feelings and longings - as well as the truth of God's wisdom.
Proverbs - Solomon
In this Book ,you will encounter wisdom principles that appear so simple, yet tremendously deep and profound.
Ecclesiastes - Solomon
As the preacher explores various avenues for satisfaction, he finds them hollow. God moves him along the path of discovery until he finds no real meaning to life. The author could not find anything of value apart from a life lived in obedience to God.
Song of Solomon - Solomon
This Book proclaims a husband's love for his wife and illustrates God's love for his people, the live that Christ had for the church, His bride. It describes how a lover cherishes his beloved and how he enjoys the way she completes him.
Isaiah - Isaiah
This Book describes Isaiah, a man of God full of consistency. His convictions teach us about avoiding ungodly compromise.
Jeremiah - Jeremiah
God Called Jeremiah as a youth and immediately began to prepare him to serve as a prophet to the nations. He was a priest called to prophetic service at a most unhappy time.
Lamentations - Jeremiah
The prophet Jeremiah wrote the passionate little Book of lamentations after the Babylonians captured and destroyed Jerusalem. Although he predicted his people's exile and rebuked them for their unrepentant hearts, he deeply felt their pain and hurt when foreigners killed many of them and forced most of the others into exile in a pagan land.
Ezekiel - Ezekiel
God raised up Ezekiel to serve as a prophet during a most difficult time in Israel's history.
Daniel - Daniel
This Book tells us about how God faithfully led Daniel from the time he was a young boy. By the time of the Babylonian captivity, Daniel and his friends had followed God for years. They continued this lifestyle as adults and God not only blessed them but bailed on them out of dangerous and even deadly situations.
Hosea - Hosea
Hosea vividly illustrates the law of sacrifice. In order to fulfil his calling, he had to pay huge price. At his own expense , he married Gomer and had to live with her lies and deception as she was a prostitute.
Joel - Joel
This Book tells us how Joel used the invasion of locusts that occurred during his day to underscore his message of repentance to the people of Judah
Amos - Amos
God Called the fiery prophet, Amos to correct the injustice of the leaders of his day in Israel, Judah and the surrounding nations.
Obadiah - Obadiah
This Book tells us about the destructive rivalry, comparison, and competition of the Edomites.
Jonah - Jonah
Jonah was reluctant to go and preach repentance to the people of Nineveh. Despite his disobedience and his bad attitude, God never gave up on him.
Micah - Micah
This country prophet Micah intuitively perceived the greed that lay behind the decisions of the priestly and political leaders of his day. He championed the cause of the poor and the oppressed and rebuked those in charge for their exploitation of others.
Nahum - Nahum
This Book shows how Nahum witnessed to the people of Judah, just as did the prophets Jeremiah, and Zephaniah. God instructed him to announce his judgement on the wicked city of Nineveh.
Habakkuk - Habakkuk
God commissioned Habakkuk , a contemporary of Jeremiah and Ezekiel, to lead in troubled times.
Zephaniah - Zephaniah
This Book tells us about Josiah, a godly king who as a 20 year old monarch , began to initiate much needed national reforms. He restored the worship practices of old, ordered the Book of law to be read aloud, and required everyone to bow down and repent for their sin and spiritual drifting.
Haggai - Haggai
The prophet Haggai was raised by God to address the misplaced priorities of the Hebrews under the Persian reign in Cyprus . Haggai insisted on doing the right thing at the right time, for the right reasons.
Zechariah - Zechariah
The prophet Zechariah felt the need to remind the people of the higher purpose to which they had been called.
Malachi - Malachi
The final book of the old testament tells how Malachi uses a heartfelt appeal featuring not only passion for repentance, but also compassion and understanding for the people's point to view.
The New Testament Books
Matthew - Matthew
Matthew is the first of four books in the new testament that depicts the ultimate leader, Jesus Christ. Matthew describes Jesus as the long awaited Messiah for the Jews, the fulfilment of the old testament prophecy.
Mark - John Mark
This book describes Jesus' identity, the role of suffering, and the necessity of faith .
Luke - Luke
Luke records the event of Jesus' life in chronological order. He portrays Jesus as a perfect man.
John - John, the Apostle
John's gospel provides a wealth of material on Jesus' life and ministry.
Acts - Luke
This Book is about the initiative and action of the holy spirit in the life of disciples who formerly were cowardly, unsure and ignorant. Those men who had learned to follow Jesus for three years, were now learning to lead.
Romans - Apostle Paul
The Book of Romans offers the most systematic teaching in the Bible about the human dilemma and God's solution for it. Romans lays out the major themes of sin, salvation, redemption, justification, grace, and reconciliation.
1 Corinthians - Apostle Paul
This Book teaches about how Paul stood for his convictions even when he stood alone. He confronted sin without help from others.
2 Corinthians - Apostle Paul
This letter was written by Apostle Paul to the believers in Corinth, a strategic port city with great influence and exposure to the rest of the Roman empire.
Galatians - Apostle Paul
This letter contains the most emphatic statement of salvation apart from the law to be found in scripture. It is the only letter in which Paul develops a lengthy allegory to explain how God saves mankind.
Ephesians - Apostle Paul
Apostle Paul wrote this Book in the prison. In it covers the whole panorama of God's redemptive work.
Philippians - Apostle Paul
While Apostle Paul remained an inmate of Rome, he couldn't plant new churches as he felt called to do. Instead he sat in chains awaiting a trial he thought could end his life. Yet even in the midst of all of this,he never abandoned God's work.
Colossians - Apostle Paul
This Book tells how Apostle Paul responded to heresy. Paul rescued the church from cultic doctrine
1 Thessalonians - Apostle Paul
God used Paul as a church pioneer, but he also took on a greater role to the young believers, safeguarding them while few or no experienced shepherds existed to lead them.
2 Thessalonians - Apostle Paul
God uses this Book to chastise his people. God uses Paul to speak as a father and mother, just as he did in his first letter to the Thessalonians.
1 Timothy - Apostle Paul
This Book shows how Paul developed Timothy as a leader.
2 Timothy - Apostle Paul
In this Book communicates crucial issues with Timothy, the young pastor of the church in Ephesus.This letter contains the apostle's final lessons for Timothy.
Titus - Apostle Paul
Titus joined Paul's ministry team and traveled with him through Asia minor.
Philemon - Apostle Paul
In this letter, we see Paul act as a mentor to Philemon and to Onesimus in their relationship to one another.
Hebrews - Paul, Luke, Barnabas, Apollos
The Book of Hebrews addresses both doctrine and duty in the Christian's life.
James - James
This Book contains a ringing call for action, a plea for vital Christianity and a faith that demonstrates itself not in mere words but in lifestyle.
1 Peter - Simon Peter
This Book encourages believers who had fallen prey to the persecution of the Roman empire.
2 Peter - Simon Peter
God uses this Book to confront the problems of internal opposition to the gospel.
1 John - John , the Apostle
John wrote this three letters to the early church, touching upon several fundamental themes; maintain honestly and integrity, living by our authority as children of God, relating to others with love and compassion.
2 John - John, the Apostle
3 John - John, the Apostle
3 John - John, the Apostle
3 John - John, the Apostle
Jude - Jude, the brother of Jesus and James ( not the Apostle)
Jude wrote this letter to correct the error in the early church.
Revelation - John, the Apostle
This final book of the New Testament contains a message to the church through the ages, particularly in the end times, who will see Christ return to earth. It is a Book about vision. God gave John the vision about the final events of world history.
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