5 Attributes of Mercy as God's Character

Mercy is one of the characteristic of God's nature and it is a reflection of his perfect and holy character. Mercy is God's attitude of tender compassion towards humans. Psalm 103:8 says, " The lord is merciful and gracious ,slow to anger and plenteous in mercy. " God's mercy shows up in our lives at salvation ,and he continually shows mercy in forgiveness. God is merciful even as he judges our sins. Mercy is the reflection of God's grace, which is underserved favour. It shows his love for us and his desire for us to be in a relationship with him. 

In the Bible, God's mercy is described as being ' steadfast and sure ' and a way of showing us that we are valuable and loved even when we don't do the right things. 

The mercy of God happens when judgement could be administered but is instead withheld. It is when compassion is extended to an underserved human. 

In the book of Jonah, Jonah's story is a great example of God's mercy. God told Jonah to go to Nineveh and preach to the people there . Jonah didn't want to go because he knew that if the people repented , God would forgive them , so he ran away from God. But God pursued him and eventually Jonah ended up in Nineveh. He preached to the people there and they repented. Even though the people of Nineveh had evil in their hearts, God still showed them mercy and did not destroy them. God's mercy in this story is abundant because even though they were not deserving, he still offered it to them. 

Here are a few attributes of mercy as God's character;

1. God is Compassionate

God's mercy is rooted in compassion, which is his ability to understand and feel our pain. God's biggest display of compassion is the crucifixion of his only son, Jesus Christ for the redemption of mankind. Jesus Christ gave his life to save humanity. Even though he was suffering, he thought of others before himself. 

God is compassionate towards us because he loves us deeply and completely. God is a shepherd that cares for his sheep and protects them from harm. Psalm 145:9 says, " The lord is good to all , and his compassion is over all that he has made ". God's compassion is expressed throughout all his creation.

God is gracious and righteous and he is also full of compassion. His compassion is not limited by our prejudices or by our preconceived notion of who is worthy of his love .

The story of the prodigal son in the bible is a perfect illustration of God's compassion towards us. The prodigal son squandered his father's inheritance and ended up in abject poverty . When he came back home, his father welcomed him with opened arms, showing him great compassion and love. This story tells us that no matter how far you have strayed from God, he is always ready to welcome and show you compassion. 

2. God is Patient

God understands that we are human and most times we make mistakes. God can cause the immediate judgement of sin, but he shows delayed punishment and patience because he wants his sovereign will to be fulfilled. His patience is a quality that allows him to wait for his plans to unfold , even when they seem to be taking time. God's patience is lengthy but it is not endless , although he pronounces judgement, he often allows time before he activates his judgement. Exodus 34:6 says, " The lord, the lord , a God merciful and gracious , slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness ". 

In the bible, Moses led the people of Israel through the wilderness to the promised land for forty years , but along the way, the Israelites doubted God complained and almost gave up. But God patiently heard their cries and answered them by providing food and water. 

Although God is incredibly patient, but it to mistake his patience for his grace. A person who continues in sinful practices without experiencing immediate judgement may have the wrong notion that there will be no consequence for his actions . It is unwise to think that a day of reckoning will not come. Patience is part of God's perfect and divine character. 

3. God has a large heart for Forgiveness

Forgiveness in it's literal sense is an intentional decision to let go of resentment and anger. Thankfully God is merciful and forgiveness is an essential part of his mercy. 1 John 1:9 says, " If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness". 

The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is a perfect example of God's forgiveness . Jesus who was sinless died from on the cross of Calvary for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserved..This shows that God is willing to forgive even us worst sins and give us eternal life if we accept him in our lives. The cross is a beautiful picture of God's mercy and forgiveness. Jesus Christ brought God's plan for forgiveness to completion on the cross and this restored the broken relationship between God and man. By God's gracious gift of forgiveness through Christ Jesus , any sin you have committed is not held against you and then restoration takes place. 

4. Peace and strength

The peace that God offers is a feeling of calmness and his strength is not a physical or mental power, but it is the spiritual empowerment that he gives us to overcome the trials and tribulations of life. Peace is not just the absence of conflict, but it is a deep and abiding sense of calm and assurance that comes from knowing that we are loved by God. Without God's strength, we will not be able to experience his peace in our lives. Psalm 29:11 says, " The lord will give strength unto his people ; the lord will bless his people with peace !" God's peace and strength is a manifestation of his mercy. We experience his mercy as he brings us peace in the midst of difficult circumstances and also strength to endure the challenges of life. 

5. Abounding loving kindness

Loving kindness is God's kindness and steadfast love for his children. His loving kindness is not dependent on our behavior or circumstances. We can trust that God's loving kindness is available to us in abundance no matter what.


God's mercy is a necessity for life and growth. When we experience his mercy, it has a profound effect in our lives. It can lead to repentance, reconciliation , healing and restoration. God's mercy is eternal and everlasting, great and abundant, sovereign and free. Romans 9:15 says, " I will have mercy on whom I have mercy , and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion ". 

God's mercy is not a weakness on his part, but his strength. It is a sign of his sovereign power and authority and it is something we should never take for granted but rather be in awe of. We cannot fully comprehend God's mercy, but we can let our lives be transformed by it. The mercy of God is available for everyone ,it is not what we deserve but what God desires to give freely to us. God's mercy is like an ocean, endless and powerful and this makes him a loving father who wants the best for his children. 

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