Christian Drama: Call to Evangelism


Drama Night Title: Call to Evangelism




  • Priestess: Eniola Mudasiru Ruth
  • Young man 1 (Joshua): Olutoto Joel Oluwafayokunmi
  • Young man 2 (Jide): David Ibimodi
  • 5 Sick people: Oladoja Blessing, Odunayo Ayomide,Sis Jemiyo,Bro Moses,Sis Deborah
  • Narrator: Nelson Vincent Ayomitunde


  • Light: Ogar Praise Offa
  • Sound: Oluwafemi Faith
  • Curtain: Bro ibimodi David, Bro Mukaila David , Bro Samuel
  • Makeup:Sis Rachel,Sis Dolapo,Sis Confidence
  • Costume: Sis Rachel, Bro Blessing
  • Photography: Bro Adeniyi
  • Excerpt: Bro Fayokunmi


(Light comes on stage as a young man narrate a short story of two young men walking in the path to the purpose)

Narrator: Just like the two spies sent from the wilderness to the land of Canaan to know who, how and what the inhabitants of this land look like,this two young men knew their assignment and headed to a particular location to preach the gospel.

(Two young men approached the stage singing this Song - prevail prevail prevail prevail prevail spirit prevail ooo…)


Joshua: You see this powerful scripture that says the hand of the Lord is upon me…rrmm…let me read it from the scriptures, Isa 61:1-3(he brought out his bible and read it)

This is exactly what the Master will have us do in that land. I pray that the spirit of God will rest upon us (spoke in tongues)

Jide: Amen! Josh, I Know you love fire (laugh sacarstically)

On top wetin now? If He did it before, He can do it again let's just trust God. You see! God is helping us jare and this land is ours… 

Joshua: You know let's start going, let's go back to our secret place for much prayers and study of the word because this battle is the lord's but we must be rightly positioned

Jide: Exactly!

(Joshua leaves the stage likewise Jide who left the stage singing-he can never ever fail…?


Narrator: On this journey, they kept their words not to turn back but one of them didn't take note of what not to do.He kept watching unedifying movies instead of the sweet scenes in the bible, messages and spiritual songs and his heart was exposed to way of flesh and sin

Let's see what happened afterwards


Scene 2

(Curtain opens on people in bondage with all kinds of sickness panting, shouting and groaning as the priestess of the land torments them)

Priestess: You don't know anything. I have been in charge of your founding fathers life before they finally die…look at you there's no man on this earth that can deliver you from me… I don't have time today. I don’t have your time at all today. So just stay calm and sit in your chains because the more you struggle to get freedom the more pain you inflict upon yourself (she hisses)

(Joshua and Jide has arrived at the land)

Joshua: Wow finally we have reached the land, such a virgin land (heard the voice of those crying and wailing) Jide can you hear that sound?

Jide: Yeeee..sss (stammers out of fear)

Joshua: Ahn Ahn Jide! What happened to you? This is time to be strong ooh. The bible says in Proverbs 24:10 that “if you faint in the days of adversity, then your strength is little”. My brother, we have been praying for this harvest and here it is…Jide what's the matter?

Jide: Haaa, I'm afraid I'm afraid I'll be attacked by this mighty woman, I've indulged myself with unnessesary things like watching horror movies and a lot of comedy 

Joshua: Oooh! don't you know your heart is a gate,you have to guard it with all diligence,these are what created loophole for the devil to come in.

You see at this point all you need now is mercy and the blood of Jesus


(Both of them knelt down and prayed)


For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers of darkness in high places and the weapon of warfare are not carnal but are mighty through God..

We have not come in our name but we come in the name of the Lord Jesus the great deliverer


The two young men bind the woman in Jesus name, bind her,sent her out and then set the captives free after preaching Jesus to them and curtain closes



As we wrap up, I hope you have learnt one or two lessons from the lives of these two young men. So, let me ask you - Are you like Joshua who diligently obeyed God's commandment or like Jide who knew the assignment but wasn't diligent enough to shun away from all forms of evil?

Take your lessons and walk in it. Stay consecrated and be led by the Spirit…


God bless you!



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