How to Walk By Faith

Faith is the ascent of a man’s spirit into God. Faith is not prayer and faith is not begging for what Christ has done for the believer. Rather, faith is you, agreeing with what God will do. Hebrews 11:1-6 tells us that it is impossible to please God without faith. Therefore, to be effective in life, in ministry, to do the big things God will have you do, you need faith. 

Faith makes you enviable, faith makes your life beautiful and faith is the hand that receives what grace has given. This is why faith is not what heals, it is not what gives you success either but, it is the conduit through which the healing power and tangible lifting power of God flows through.

You must realise that faith is not intangible; faith is palpable. It speaks and is assured that the expected results will come. Someone who constantly feeds on God’s word can thus be said to be in faith because the word births hope and assurance in what Christ has done.

Having known this, how can the believer walk vitally in faith? What are the vital signs that you are in faith?


To develop strong faith, you have to be a great listener. If you lose interest in the word of God (which you should not), you cannot build your faith.

Faith is not rocket science, neither is it magic or a force that automatically jumps on you. It arises by your consistent and voracious feeding on of the word of God. The more you feed on God’s word, the stronger your faith becomes.

Read your bible. You cannot replace reading God’s word intentionally with reading short quotes or short clips online, the believers must ensure discipline in taking the word of God the way it is if they will walk in faith. Do not be deceived, the devil your adversary walks around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour and one of the ways he does this is to make you feel rested about not reading your bible and give you excuses about why that is happening.

In walking by faith, the believer must learn how to take God’s word, hook, line and sinker. In the world today, many believers have grown the habit of trying to see if God really meant what He said in the Bible or not. He meant every single word! God is not schizophrenic and He does not have multiple personality disorders, so, when God’s word says nothing shall by any means hurt you, He meant it! He wasn’t considering some situations and leaving some out. His nothing meant nothing.

Not the economy, not business losses, not sicknesses, not academic failures and definitely, not even death. Glory to God!

And when He tells you to honour all men and pray for your leaders, He meant every single word of that so do not go around trying to change that - no matter your biases or affiliations.

Listening also entails listening to the men who God has sent to you - His servants and the church! 

Your faith will not increase and neither will you gain mastery in walking by faith if you do not know how to receive the ministry of the anointed. Listening, following doggedly and knowing that the presence of God’s servant in your life is a visitation from God. 

Nancy Dufresne, in her book titled, ‘The Visitations from God’ explains in detail how God speaks loudest to you in your primary voice - that is, your pastor!

Listen, be excited like a child when you see the anointed and refuse to let the secular humanism ravaging the world today hold you down. Doing this will propel your faith like never before.

2. Faith believes and is easily persuaded

One of the major ways to walk by faith is to believe all that God has promised you. Be persuaded, be happy and rejoice in His promises to you. 

This does not change the place of praying when you feel delay is setting in. Rather, when you are in faith, your prayer comes from the place of authority and not from doom or fear.

Faith is always receiving with open hearts all that God has said to you - beyond human possibilities.

This is why someone who has been diagnosed with an end-stage illness can stand on 1 Peter 2:24 and record massive breakthroughs in their health. It is walking by faith that will make a person who has been beset with many financial limitations look at Philippians 4:19 and be assured of the supply of their needs according to the riches in Christ.

Faith believes, faith is easily persuaded, faith strengthens your confession and faith is always receiving.

3. Faith Holds Fast

A sign of walking by faith is by continuously confessing the promises of God to you. Only God’s word can birth possibilities for you and this possibility will be nowhere to be found if you cannot hold on to what God has told you.

Faith holds fast until the manifestation of His promises.  Your faith is working. Your sacrifices in the house of God and for the kingdom of God is working. So, hold fast!

Do not be moved by whatever is happening around you - they may be the reality but realer is your victory in Christ. Glory to God!

The evidence of your faith, that you are not believing in vain, is the death and resurrection of our dear Jesus Christ. Therefore, hold fast to that confession of faith in your mouth. The devil is a bastard; he’ll make you feel like you’re not  being realistic but you must keep holding on to the fact that God’s word is true and every other thing (including your seeming downcast feelings) are lies.

By actively engaging these three steps, you can be assured of a victorious christian life - not ridden by fears or impossibilities but full of faith in the possibilities of God’s word. 

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