Why worship isn't just about how you feel

The English dictionary defines "mood" as a mental or emotional state or composure. It can also refer to a disposition or a state of mind that is receptive or inclined to do something.

According to the English dictionary, "worship" can be defined as the devotion accorded to a deity or sacred object. It also encompasses voluntary, utter submission or deference. Based on these definitions, one might say, "The mood of worship is a mental or emotional state of giving devotion to a deity or sacred object."

As believers, when we offer worship to God, do we need to be in a specific mood? Must our mental or emotional state align to offer voluntary devotion to God? 

Our Lord Jesus is a great teacher on this matter. The kind of worshippers the Father seeks are those who worship Him in spirit and in truth. Jesus made a monumental declaration about the nature of worship:

"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” (John 4:23–24, NIV)

This means that our worship must come from within, from our hearts. It must be sincere and motivated by love for God and gratitude for all He has done for us. Worship should not be dictated by our mood but offered voluntarily and in total submission.

King David understood the essence of true worship. He declared, "Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name" (Psalm 103:1). He knew that worship must come from the depths of the soul. 

Even in times of distress or dismay, he urged all that was within him to bless God's holy name. David commanded his entire being—intellect, emotion, feeling, sentiment—to bless God. True worship involves our whole nature, including our mind, heart, and body, as an offering to the Lord.

Whether we are in a good, bad, or unhappy mood, we can approach His presence with our broken hearts, assured that He will not reject us. The truth is, we were created to worship God. That is our purpose, and it should be engraved deeply within our hearts. Our worship of God goes beyond worship services or church activities. 

Our God cannot be confined to church walls or a specific moment when we enter a "mood" of worship. He is omnipresent, the One who is always everywhere at the same time, present in all things. 

Therefore, we should worship Him in our homes, during breakfast, on our way to work, on the street, on the mountaintop, in the valley, during the day, and at night. Worship should be a lifestyle and the total expression of our being.

A costly gift was given to save us from the slavery of sin, from the consequences of disobedience, from judgment, and ultimately from hell. But we were also saved for a purpose, and that purpose is worship. 

In response to His act of mercy and kindness, we are to offer ourselves and our bodies as a living sacrifice—this is our spiritual act of worship. Worship is not merely a mood. It transcends church walls and activities. Worship is our lifestyle.

The truth about worship; it's more than a mood.

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