The Gethsemane Jubilee Prayer Tower

* About us * Prayer Tower * Resources * FAQ * Giving * Contact Us The Prayer Tower The Gethsemane Jubilee Prayer Tower is presently one of the tallest prayer tower in Nigeria and possibly Africa. It is a place with ample rooms and floors for different aspects of prayer. As an intercessory ministry, we encourage intercessors, friends and all Christians everywhere to visit every floor of the tower to experience the amazing power of prayer and to also contribute their quota in the 24 hour prayer chain. To enhance easy movement, the tower is fitted with a brand new ten passenger elevator. 
In the year 2004, the president of the Gethsemane Prayer Ministries, Rev. Dr. Moses Aransiola came up with a burden to set up a 24/7 prayer watch tower for the entire body of Christ. It was to be the first of its kind in the city of Ibadan. This led to the inauguration of 'Ibadan House of Prayer,' an interdenominational city prayer altar in July 2004. The first prayer tower which served as the operational building for the 'Ibadan House of Prayer' was commissioned by General Dr. Yakubu Gowon at the old site of Gethsemane Prayer Ministries Head Quarters, 32, Ladoke Akintola Way, Mosafejo B/Stop, Sango/Eleyele Road, Ibadan. The name 'Ibadan House of Prayer' was later changed to 'Gethsemane House of Prayer' two years later. Since then Watchers have been coming from different denominational backgrounds to participate in the Gethsemane House of Prayer. The watch operations on this altar started with two (2) watches of two hours per watch and later moved up to twelve watches covering the entire 24 hours in a day. Just recently, the Lord blessed Gethsemane Prayer Ministries with a property that has now become the new church headquarters that is called 'Gethsemane World Prayer Centre'. It is an ultra-modern complex comprising several facilities, one of which is the 7-storey 'Jubilee Prayer Tower.' This new Gethsemane Jubilee Prayer Tower is the new facility for Gethsemane House of Prayer. This new facility affords ample space or floors for different aspects of prayer. It is also fitted with a functional elevator to aid easy commuting between the floors. It is an all-denominational prayer altar for the entire body of Christ. This magnificent edifice, the first of its kind in this part of the world consists of seven prayer floors, a new and functional elevator, toilets, and other facilities. It was officially dedicated by Pastor (Mrs.) Folu Adeboye, the Mummy G.O of the Redeemed Christian Church of God on Wednesday October 3rd, 2012. THE VISION To be a house of prayer, praise, worship, territorial intercession and deliverance, where unending worship and ceaseless prayer goes on to the Lord day and night until the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdom of our God; an altar of prayer that contends with every other altar that challenges the Lordship and supremacy of Christ on the earth. 
(i) To ensure continuous prayer and intercession on twenty-four hours per day basis in the prayer tower. (ii) To make prayers, supplications, intercessions for organizations, governments, cities, nations and the world our primary assignment. (iii) To recruit willing believers periodically to sign on to two (2) hour prayer watch per week. (iv) To network with other houses of prayer around the globe by exchanging prayer alerts and burdens. (v) To be a centre for receiving and processing individual, organizational, missionary, and governmental prayer requests. (vi) To offer training opportunities for members of the Body of Christ in the art of intercession, territorial deliverance, strategic level prayer, and other areas of spiritual warfare. (vii) To publish materials that will equip, inform, motivate and mobilize the body of Christ to engage in kingdom based prayer. (viii) To be a revival and prayer fire collection centre and a place for spiritual renewal and rekindling of prayer fire. (ix) To be a solution centre and an altar of mercy where hope shall be restored for the oppressed and the helpless. (x) To be a resource centre for Christian who wants to increase their knowledge in the things of God. (xi) To be a training ground for intercessors where they will be empowered to go and be a blessing to their world. (xii) To provide a rich resource library for students in theological seminaries and Bible Colleges as well as for individuals who are thirsty for spiritual knowledge. FOR WHO? – Born again children of God – Watchers, intercessors and prayer warriors – All who have the call of God upon their lives – Church worker and leaders – Pastors, teachers of the word, evangelists, elders, deacons and deaconess. – Any child of God that has a prayer burden. AUXILIARY FACILITIES We have within the Gethsemane World Prayer Centre the following auxiliary facilities for your benefit. LIBRARY: Our well-equipped library is in Room 5 of the Prayer Academy Complex, adjacent to the Prayer Tower. It has books, Christian journals, audio and video materials and messages of many seasoned ministers of the gospel within and outside Nigeria, past and present. The materials in the library are also useful for studies in Christian education and research by theological and pastoral students. BREAD OF LIFE RESTAURANT: This is our church cafeteria within the church complex, where anointed food and drinks can be bought at affordable prices. KINGDOM LINK BOOK SHOP: We have assorted books, Bibles, commentaries and many other Christian materials and souvenirs in our church bookshop situated at the right hand side of the main entrance to the World Prayer Center. There you can purchase good Christian materials at affordable prices. TOILET FACILITIES: Each floor of the prayer tower has its own rest room for the tower users. PRAYER SCHOOL: We run periodic prayer schools in Gethsemane Prayer Ministries. The dates for the schools are as advertised by the Prayer School authority.HOUSE OF DELIVERANCE: The Gethsemane 'House of Deliverance' is the department that handles all deliverance cases. Watchers can also benefit from this service. FUNCTIONS OF THE PRAYER TOWER FLOORS Ground Floor SECURITY POST – Security checks are conducted and identification tags are given to people before they are permitted to proceed to any other floor. 

1st Floor JUDAH GATE

Here continuous praise and worship takes place. People are expected to spend a minimum of 10 – 15 minutes in praise before proceeding to any other floor to pray. 

2nd Floor SALEM GATE

For Kingdom, National and Global Prayers. 3rd Floor EPHRAIM GATE – For Prayers of Divine Favour, Promotion, Provisions, Fruitfulness and Enlargement. 4th Floor JERICHO GATE – For Prayers of Divine Empowerment, Breakthrough and Victory. 5th floor SHILOH GATE. For Prayers of Desperation and Prayers for urgent Divine Intervention. 6th Floor – LEVI GATE. Prayers for Ministers, Ministry and city levels prayers. All who pray here are expected to proceed to the balcony after their prayer and pray with outstretch hands over the city for about 15 minutes. 

Visitors' Guide

There is a special visitor's Guide
1. You are requested to enter your name in the register provided at the ground floor and then collect a tag before you go to any floor of the tower. You are also required to sign out after your watch in the same register. 
2. You should then proceed to the first floor, which is known as Judah Gate, where you are to begin your prayer with praise and worship for a minimum of 15 minutes. 
You should also proceed to the second floor (Salem Gate) to make prayer donation for at least thirty minutes before proceeding to other floors. (IV) For the users of the second and the seventh floor, where intercession shall be made for nations, cities, churches, and missions, a prayer outline/relevant prayer materials shall be made available regularly. (V) You can drop your prayer request for the coordinator or pin it to the notice board for the attention of the coordinator for prayer support. (VI) Users of the prayer tower are free to meet with the coordinators for pastoral counseling whenever such needs arise or for any other assistance. (VII) Each slot of watch is for two hours but you may go beyond the stipulated two hours as the Lord gives you strength and grace. (VIII) We organize joint monthly prayer vigils for all watchers every first Friday of the month in the Prayer Academy Complex. We encourage you to be part of it. (IX) Once in a quarter, watchers/watchmen come together for two or three days retreat to acquire fresh fire of prayer. (X) We lend our hands of assistance and love to every watcher on this altar as the need arises. 
For further information about the JUBILEE PRAYER TOWER, please call: +234-8023375359, 08030659330 You Can Contact Us Through The Address Given Below: – Gethsemane World Prayer Center, Eleyele Round About, Eleyele, Ibadan. – U.I.P.O.Box 14697, – Ibadan,Nigeria.– E-mail: – [email protected] – Website: © 2023 GPMI

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