“Okay I get it. Jesus died on the cross because some bad guys killed him and He rose up the third day. Wow awesome and thrilling but what has it got to do with me? Is it not just some dead guy's story who miraculously came back alive?”
This was my thought as I sat in the believers class listening to my Sunday school teacher as a young teenager . I didn’t get it or I just didn’t want to get it but what was true was I didn’t know what it has got to do with me and this is where most of us are at even as tongue speaking believers.
What is the implication of the cross ? What has the death and resurrection of Christ got to do me and how I live my life everyday and it didn’t really make sense until yesterday night when I decided to pick the Bible and opened Romans chapter 6 In my bible , Romans chapter 6 is titled “dead to sin and alive in Christ . Verse 4 especially hits differently “for we died and we were buried with Christ by baptism and just as Jesus was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the father , now we also may live new lives” . wow 😮 , it wasn’t only Jesus that died that day , the moment I I gave my life to Christ , I am also considered to have died that day with him and also rose with him on the third day. But why ? Why do we have to all of that ceremony and what does it matter !
Your old self died that day. There was an end to the old and enslaved man - the one who had no choice but was controlled by the devil as a result of the actions of Adam and Eve. Just as verse 4 tells us what happened and why it happened, verse 6 shares a whole new light, “we know that our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ SO THAT SIN might lose its power in our lives . WE ARE NO LONGER SLAVES TO SIN! This means we are no longer a slave ! , I can decide now to follow Christ ! I have a will that wants what is right and can DO what is right if I choose . I am no longer a slave to addictions , depression , lies , bad habits etc . I AM FREE !!!!
Our Identity comes from the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ , that day could be said to you and I spiritual birthday, if you believe in his death and resurrection ! . We stepped out of that grave with him . How I just want to write the whole of Romans 6 here for you to savor . In verse 11, big pop apostle Paul said “ CONSIDER YOURSELF to be dead to the power of sin and alive to God through Christ” wow , sin didn’t die that day but it’s power over us died . It is important we know that much more than being sober only on Easter and wiping our tears with tissue while watching “ ‘passion of Christ’, we need to start LIVING With the consciousness of who we are now in Christ and that is what it means to be ALIVE in Christ . HE GAVE US FREEDOM that day .
He wasn’t the only one who walked out of the grave that day , I did and you also did so we are no longer slaves .
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