Understanding The Believer's Authority

As Believers, we have the right to do the will of God on earth; we have the authority to fulfill the Father's mind, because we have the life in Him and He enables us to hearken to His plans and purpose. However, believer's authority is the result of our belief in God/Christ i.e. the prerequisite to spiritual authority is the reception of God’s life in you. As long as you’ve received the life of Christ, and received the indwelling of the Holy Ghost you are enabled to enjoy the authority within. The perfect example of the person who exercised the accurate Spiritual authority is Jesus Christ. By the life of God and the Holy Spirit within, He accurately manifested the will of God without a slack.
Understanding the Believer's Authority by Falana Idowu Zion

Since we are new creatures, we've been put in the position of power and authority which was released to us by God through Jesus Christ. You have full access to the power of God because you’re in Him through Christ Jesus. As a believer, you've been given the authority to fulfill the will of the Father. You've gotten the go-ahead to bind and loose, you've gotten the command to manifest the perfect example of God, above all, you've got the full support of the Father. The last verse of the book of Matthew 28 made us understand that the Father is with us as long as you fulfill the requirement which, His Will…This article will express some facts about Believer’s Authority, why you need to manifest the Authority, and How to manifest the believer's authority.
Matthew 28:18-20 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in Heaven and Earth. 19. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost: 20. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the World.

Since all power has been given to Him, as long as you live Him you've entered the position of manifesting the power in Him. Below are a few facts about a Believers Authority:

1. It is Guaranteed and secured by God

After Jesus successfully secured authority over Satan, sin, and principalities by dying on the Cross and resurrecting, He then freely gave this power and authority to all who believed/still believe in Him. He said in Matthew 28:18 that all power is given unto Him in Heaven and on Earth…which simply means no other power and authority above His… According to the Expositors Study Bible commentary, the power is not given to Him as Son of God; for, as God nothing can be added to Him or taken from Him; it is rather a power, which He has merited by His incarnation and His death at Calvary on the Cross as recorded in Phil 2:8-10; this authority extends not only over men so that He governs and protects the Church, dispose human events, controls hearts and opinions; but the forces of Heaven also are at his command; the Holy Spirit is bestowed by Him, and the Angels are in His employ as ministering to the member of His Body… As Jesus secured this power, He also guaranteed the power in His followers as declared in verse 19 of Matthew 28:19 (Matthew 28:18-20 and Phil 2:8-10)

2. It is God’s Will not Superiority over others

The Believer’s authority is made manifest in God, and not a chance to rule over other people, sect or other believers. It is meant to do the will of the Father even while on Earth..As we know, the Will of God is always right, Godly, and for people's growth, not envy, jealousy, maltreatment of others, or superiority over others…It is undoubtedly understood that God gave us authority and also guaranteed it, but for one purpose which is the Edification of His Body i.e. the authority is meant for the development and the growth of the body of Christ, not for humans personal or selfish interest.

3. It manifests in a believing heart, a life without Doubt

Before any man could manifest the authority given to Him by God, He must understand God by believing solely in Him. You cannot manifest the power of the person unknown to you, you cannot manifest the power you don’t have faith in…the power only manifests in a heart that believes. A believer with a doubting heart and mind cannot manifest the authority…It only manifests in a life full of faith. In Mark 11:23, the mountain as used Jesus signifies Mountain of difficulties, troubles, challenges, etc. God is a miracle-working God and He promises to do so in the lives of His children.


It is not for self-will but the Father’s Will

The authority that has been given to us by the Father is to carry out His will not our self-will, and it’d be of great importance to explain one of the Father’s will we are to carry out as His follower. Out of the many Will we are to fulfill is the Preaching of the Gospel. According to Mark 16:15-18, the authority is given to us to preach the gospel, that’s one of the most important commands the Father gave us to work on which thereafter would lead to the deliverance of people from captivity(demons), and also to the manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit

It is a Pathway to Spiritual Freedom

As believers, we have the authority to stand against Satan and his plans. Authority comes when there is Faith (Matthew 17:20)

Why do we need to manifest the Believer's Authority?

Briefly, I’ll like to list out the reasons you need to manifest the Believer’s authority….
  • It is instituted by God - Ephesians.1.18-23
  • It's a sign that you believe - Mark.16.17-18
  • It is a mean of freedom from spiritual warfare 2nd Corinthians 10:3-5
  • We've been given power and authority Luke 9:1, Mark 6:7, Luke 10;18-19
  • We've received, so we must give out  - Matthew 10:8
  • We have the Presence of the Holy Spirit to carry out the Father’s Will. Acts 1:8 Luke 4:18
  • We have His Name. Luke 10:17

How To Manifest The Believer’s Authority

In order to manifest your authority in God, you simply need to
  • Understand Who you are in Him (Son)
  • Know you have been given the Authority
  • Be Intentional and have Faith
  • Believe, live and walk in the Spirit
  • Engage Spiritual Exercises such as Fasting and Praying
  • Speak the mind of God through the Holy Spirit you've believed in.



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