As far as the East is from the West: Gospel Today Devotional - 2nd October, 2023

Often times when two persons have a misunderstanding, they seek for ways to resolve the issue. One of the party may decide to apologise to the other. This however may be very difficult as the memory remains with the one who was offended, or even with both parties. While they may forgive like they would say, it is incomplete as they are most times unable to forget what was said or what was done.

As far as the East is from the West: Gospel Today Devotional - 2nd October,  2023

This is the reason many persons who pretend to have forgiven, and forgotten an offence still seek for ways to retaliate or do something that would make the other person feel the same thing he or she felt when hurt. This is seen even amidst friends, family members, those who are married, etc.

Sometimes you hear people say this, I have forgiven you but I have not forgotten. The question now is, what is forgiveness without letting go? We tend to see God this way as well thinking that he still holds grudges against his children. Believers sometimes live with the mindset that God though he has forgiven them, has not forgotten what they did before they came to him. Is that true? The scripture below answers the question,

"As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us."(Psalm 103:12).

The moment we come to God through Christ, and are declared justified by his grace, he not only pardons, and cleanses us but also forgets all that we ever did as though nothing ever happened.

The scripture here seeks to explain to the believer that the distance between east and west is miles apart, and there's no way one would immediately turn west if he ever travelled east. Then it says as far as the east is from the west, that is how far he has taken away our transgressions from us.

That means the Lord doesn't count anything against those he has justified. In fact to him, nothing happened. He doesn't see, and deal with you as you were before coming to him but rather sees you as you currently are in him(a new creation). He doesn't forgive but refuse to forget. He forgives, and remembers your transgressions no more.

The word of the Lord comes to you today not to give heed to the deception that God hasn't forgotten, and that he still remembers all you ever did. There's no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus. As far as the east is from the west, is the same way he has removed your transgressions. He remembers it no more. Rejoice evermore in him.

Thought for the day: When the Lord forgives, he forgets. He doesn't relate with you as you were before you came. He sees you as though nothing ever happened because you're now in him a new creation.

Gospel Today is a comforting, exhorting, edifying and inspiring devotional published by the Delightsome Land Christian Ministry. For questions, enquiries/testimonies, please call/WhatsApp: 08174915361, 08161655758 or Email: [email protected].

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