I was in the bathroom one morning. I was listening to a song when the words Stronger than stain stuck me. The song was by Maverick City his blood is enough and the lord began to minister to me saying to do this. There were times when I called God out saying ‘God I’m not doing this again’ and it can be so scary at times. It’s a phase everyone would or will go or gone through yet it’s been wonderful so far. For every brother and sister out there;we are one family in Christ, and if you’re not a believer I hope at the end of this message you’ll become one. It’s my prayer that you come to know the Light just listen with an open heart.
The feeling of being distant from God is just a feeling and nothing more. God's word promises that He will never leave nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). Jesus has paid the price to give you constant access to God's presence. This is why you are allowed to come dirty!
There is the story of an adulteress who came to Jesus when her accusers were trying to throw stones at her in John 8:6-7. Jesus Christ then asked saying, 'where are your accusers?', and she responded 'they are gone'. Jesus' next statement was 'neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more' God is never about condemning us. He gives the gift of no condemnation. It is in the gift of no condemnation, when we make mistakes and say ‘God believe that you do not condemn me so I refuse us to wallow in self pity and guilt’ when we receive this mentality we rise over sin and destructive habits. God wants us to be guilt free first, it’s a gift from God.how awesome is that?. He that knew no sin gave his life for us. We start little by little, yes we would make mistakes put we pick up the pieces one by one;even with that God will always pick you up he has picked me up also that what grace is about picking you up. But why do people still go back after saying Oh God I’m so sorry that is like going to with the mindset that God is about to kill me. The Bible said we have been\given BOLDNESS and this boldness is not because we are perfect in ourselves, the boldness is because we now have the righteousness of Jesus.
Can you really pay that debt? Can you boldly say you are perfect in your thoughts and actions? If no one can, then it is important that you have the righteousness of Jesus because our holiness is like a filthy rag. The psalmist said ‘blessed is the man that the Lord will cover his sin (with the blood of Jesus) does that man have sin? Yes, but the Lord covered it.Blessed is the man that the Lord will not input unrighteousness on this is the word of God in simple English. So God is say that it is as you believe, he is not holding sin against you, it is his righteousness that he gave you to start with,and as you receive the gift of no condemnation
God is a God of grace and forgiveness.. He loves you very much and does not hold your mistakes against you.
You are Empowered!
Grace is a free gift that empowers. When this empowerment comes, other things become effortlessly easy. Righteousness is also a gift, so when you make mistakes, feel you have hurt God and begin to wallow in self pity the devil brings his torment through guilt, sadness and fear. The devil tries to make you feel like you were not good enough to start with (Romans 5). If Adam's sin can affect us and Jesus being the better Adam is righteous,that means we have his righteousness too. Another story in the Bible is the story of the woman by the well. The Holy Spirit said something to me some time ago saying ‘Tola did you know that the place I thought worship is in the place of shame?, the woman who has had five husbands I didn’t run away from her, I intentionally passed through Samaria so that I could have a meeting with her.’ And that is what God is doing with you and I this time. He is intentional about passing by and having a meeting with us he’s saying’I have given you my righteousness so come boldly’ and Jesus Christ made an evangelist out of a woman who can even be regarded as a prostitute. Jesus said I am the living water’ what he is trying to say is whenever you’re empty and nothing feels enough keep drawing from my love, even in the place of shame, receive the gift of no condemnation today.
God does not run out of people to use. But then, He honestly wants you to come close. That is why He is calling you to come just as you are - whether you are dirty, broken or tired. The veil has been torn and God is in love with you!
At this point, let's say a short Prayer
God I receive your abundant grace. I receive this unmerited favour in my life in Jesus' name. I thank you that my righteousness is from you. Father thank you for sending your only begotten son to us. Thank you for the sacrifice,Thank-you-for-the-define exchange on the cross. It's in you I live, move and have my being. I am grateful that I stand in the finished work of Christ and in my identity as who you say I am. Thank you precious Holy Spirit, Amen.
There is nothing in us except Christ. Stand before him as you are, again you are who God says you are. Keep reminding yourself that you’re the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and no mistakes can take that away.
There is so much that the Holy Spirit wants to share and we can’t take them all at once here. If you have any questions or answers you can reach us here.
Adetola Obioma is a believer in Christ with a mandate to tell people how much they are Loved by God.
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