We all agree to the fact that after the disobedience of man to the instruction which the Lord gave at the beginning, he was separated from God, and as a result, the relationship and fellowship between man, and God was broken. The need to reconcile or bring man back into that first state of relationship and fellowship was the reason it was recorded in John 3: 16 that God sent his only Son into the world, why? Because of his love for man, and the fact that he didn't want man to perish and to remain in a perpetual state of separation from him. Glory to God.
Just imagine someone offended you. You had told the person not to do a particular thing and thinking that he heard you and would gladly have done what you told him to do, you only got to find out that what he did was the opposite of that which you instructed him to do. You won't be happy, will you? something would be broken between you two, and that's your relationship. Although the person was the one who offended, you still went ahead to seek means through which that broken relationship could be restored even to the extent that you had to sacrifice your only child for it, that is, for the offence of another man. How many of us could have done this?
Read: Today, 14th January in Christian History
Scarcely will anyone think of doing such not to talk about doing it. You see, this was that which God did for you, and I and that we are believers today, and children of God, it was as result of his love towards us, and as children of his, we also must extend this message to others. Hallelujah! This will usher us into today's study, and I trust the Lord to speak to our hearts. Amen. The passage of scripture under consideration is seen below,
"For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; [4] Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth". (1 Timothy 2:3&4).
In this epistle of Paul to Timothy, the opening verses talked about prayer, how that the apostle Paul was telling his son in the faith, Timothy, that there's a need for prayer, supplications, intercessions, and thanksgiving not just for some selected persons, not just for ministers of God, but as it were, for all men. You see sometimes, we only pray for people we feel are to be prayed for. We consider praying for some people an offence, why? Because we see them as bad people and we feel they do not deserve to be prayed for, most especially leaders who show certain traits contrary to God's instructions. However, this is not supposed to be, and that was the reason the apostle Paul had to give that exhortation. Prayer should be made for all men, and as believers we are not to be selective in the place of prayer. Hallelujah! I trust the Lord to help us.
He says to pray for kings, and for those in authority inclusive now, but the emphasis is that all men be prayed for. Glory to God. However, the question remains, why? Because it is good, and acceptable in the sight of God, why? Because his will or desire is that all men be saved, and come unto the knowledge of the truth. This desire of the Father will remain unattended to if we refuse to pray for all men. Believers need to be prayed for that they may abound more in the knowledge of God and unbelievers as well that they may come to know him who is true and at the same time abide in him who is true. It is not God's desire that any should perish but that all should come to know him.
This is how we are to show forth ourselves as believers. As children of God, having God's desire implies that we are to just like our Father pray that all men are saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth. Our desire should be God's desire, that of seeing all men come to the light. That which sees all men as God sees them, and that of serious concern for the souls of men. As children of God, what bothers him should bother us and what he desires should be our desire as well. May the Lord give the grace to desire the salvation of men just as he does. Amen.
Thought for the Day
God's desire is that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth and as his child, his desire should be your desire.
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