When you enter the walls of any university, you will meet different people with different beliefs and backgrounds. For the Christian students, it is further classified because the nature of their activities in the university, being an academic environment has a unique way of rubbing off on them. This is why today's edition of Christian Metro, fun and entertainment, we are bringing you a list of the different types of Christian students you're sure to meet in a Nigerian university.
1. The Cruise Christians
You will always find these ones who have all the vibes and cruise you can get. They are the ones who whine you with hallowed greetings like "Apostle", "Mummy G.O" Prayo! "Daddy G.O" and their related salutations. These guys are full of energy and can whine you so well. But don't take them as they are - they have very strong spiritual lives if you check well. They are the ones you see silently groaning in prayers at the basketball court while men are sleeping and cruise in the day.
2. The Resurrection Day Christians
You barely see these ones during the semester and when you do, it is usually once or twice and most times by accident. They show up on exam days, presentations, or when an event is going on. This is because they carry the work of "ministry" on their heads. They move from one prayer vigil to retreat and come back from a mountain fasting two days to the exam.
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3. The Prophetic Christians
Have you ever gotten an accurate word from someone? These are the "Word of Knowledge Brethren". They can literally tell you that God said the lecturer will not come to class and you will find out that he wouldn't. You always wait for them to give you AOC (area of concentration) because they are more accurate than the lecturer who set the questions - I mean, they hear directly from God!
4. The Watch and Pray Christians
These ones do not put their eggs in one basket. They love God but want to pass, so they usually sit in the front row. They are also the lecturer’s favourite, as they never miss a chance to ask or answer a question. Sometimes, you find them at the end of the class with the lecturer asking more questions regarding the lecture or just gossiping.
5. The Introvert Christian
These ones try to avoid any kind of social interaction. They are usually chill and get surprisingly high grades - Silent First Class students. They don't like attention at all and are unusually humble so the lecturer doesn't see them when calling names.
Read: Should Christians Engage in Betting?
Which other Christian do you think we missed out? Kindly share with us in the comments. You may also check out 6 Types of Nigerian Christians You Would find on a Bus.
The Christian Metro is a series of relatable Christian content brought to you by the New Man Store. a Christian lifestyle store that helps you wear, read and interact with God's word daily.
Bless God
ReplyDeleteNo. 1 all the way. Whining is my thing😌
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