Biography of Pastor Adesoji Adedoja

Pastor Adesoji Adesoji is a Nigerian-American pastor, Actor, Director, and Writer, who has committed his life to helping others and sharing his love for God. He first discovered his passion for acting as a young boy and grew to become a Drama leader and Coordinator in different organizations.

Full Biography of Pastor Adesoji Adedoja
After graduating in 2010 from the Olabisi Onanbanjo University in Nigeria with a degree in accounting, Pastor Adesoji migrated to the USA and began his journey to create a ministry that would help train actors and producers; and give churches the required tools and skills to produce their own plays and films. He answered the call to proclaim the good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, and to set at liberty those who are oppressed.

Full Biography of Pastor Adesoji Adedoja
Pastor Adesoji is the founder and senior Pastor of Ropheka Prayer Fellowship. He is also the director and President of Ropheka Movie Productions, Ropheka Faith Drama and Film Institutes, and Ropheka Faith Drama and Film Mission Outreach, all of which are part of Ropheka Ministries International.
Since its establishment, Ropheka Ministries International has significantly expanded its reach and scope while always remaining true to its passion for Gospel drama and Film productions.
Pastor Adesoji is also the founder and senior pastor of Ropheka Prayer Fellowship, as well as the director and president of Ropheka Movie Productions, Ropheka Faith Drama and Film Institutes, and Ropheka Faith Drama and Film Mission Outreach, all of which are part of Ropheka Ministries International.
Through his different expressions, Pastor Adesoji works for God by evangelizing through drama, movies, and community service. Over the last ten years, he has written, produced, directed, and starred in numerous movies, short films, and stage productions through Ropheka Ministries International.
Outside his ministry work, Pastor Adesoji loves spending time with his wife, Modupe, a fellow pastor and actress, and their children.

Pastor Adesoji was once a youth leader of a great church with a strong and passionate love for children and helping people
I came from a polygamous family (many wives and children) and I'm the last child out of 5 from my mother's side. 
I started acting on stage at around 7 years old. 

Movies Written and Produced by Pastor Adesoji Adedoja

Pastor Adesoji Adedoja has written and produced many movies including short movies and stage drama productions. The movies include:
  • The Prime task (2012)
  • Traped in the will (2014)
  • The strong Room (2017)
  • Dismissed from Mind (2018)
  • Spectacle (2019)
  • The final Base (2019)
  • Total Lockdown (2020)
  • Chain of Command (Coming Soon)
  • Greater Works (Coming Soon)
  • Akeem (Coming Soon)

History of Ropheka Ministries International

Ropheka Ministries International (RMI) started in Houston Texas, on the 2nd of October 2010. The movement started from churches in Houston where members of the ministry went from church to church,  ministering in live stage Drama.   
In 2011, the ministry was inspired by God to produce a movie titled "The Prime Task". We embarked on the great adventure which ended in an inspirational movie. Doors of opportunities were opened and many Volunteers who were ready to spend and be spent, joined us to spread the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ through our movie productions.
God immediately inspired and instructed us to start working on another movie script (Trapped in the will) as soon as "the prime task" was released. Many doubted our God just because He instructed us to start making another movie when we just concluded one. But, we didn't just obey God, our faith in Him was unshaken even amid disappointment and frustration. The almost impossible task turned into a glorious movie produced in 2014. Since then, God never stopped to empower the production of many movies, skits and, staged drama ministrations.
God is not done with the ministry as He recently instructed the ministry in 2019 to start a drama institute (Ropheka faith movies and drama institute) and a prayer fellowship for all bible believers. Also, as regards gospel movie Production, Ropheka Ministries is divinely empowered to produce Bible based films and stage plays. We are always in need of volunteers to help in the production and premiering process. We in search gifted and spirit filled children of God to join us to feed the nations of the world. If you have a dream to act stage drama or feature in movie, please join us in the adventure of making gospel movies.

-Texas Chapter
-New York Chapter
-Minnesota Chapter
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