The Power in the Name of Jesus: Gospel Today Devotional - 25th September

There is power in the name of Jesus. There can be no truth more true than this, isn't it? The power to save, the power to set free, the power to heal, the power to provide, the power to protect, the power to make the worried man whole again, the list is endless, and all pointing our attention to this one thing, that there's power in the name of Jesus.

The Power in the Name of Jesus: Gospel Today Devotional - 25th September

In the book of Luke chapter 10, it was recorded that the Lord Jesus called seventy others together, and sent them out two by two, with other instructions. They had no other weapon than the name of Jesus. He gave them commands to even heal the sick. And they went out as he commanded.

Today, we shall be looking closely into the text below, and that the Lord by his grace opens our eyes to that which he has for us. The focus here today is the fact that there is power indeed in the name of Jesus. The scripture below will serve as our anchor text:

"And the seventy returned with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name". (Luke 10:17).

After Jesus had sent them out, it was time for them to give him their report; that which was the outcome of their going out. They had gone out as he commanded them, and of course, had done the things he commanded them to do. So the scripture records that they returned with joy.

And the seventy returned with joy, that is after they had gone out. They came back rejoicing because their mission was accomplished. But there's something I want you to take note of in the text above, which is, 

even the devils are subject unto us through thy name. That implies that even the devils could not hinder that which the Lord gave them instructions to do. They came back rejoicing because the power in his name placed them where they should be.

This is to exalt us as believers, that we have the victory we desire in the Lord Jesus, why? Because of the power in his name. That each time we face any challenge, or encounter any situation that looks insurmountable, we have victory through his name. Remember what the disciples said, even the devils are subject unto us through your name. Let this comfort your hearts; that there's no name greater than the name of Jesus and there's no power that can withstand Jesus' name. There's indeed power in the name of Jesus. May this word dwell in your hearts richly. Amen.

Daily Nugget:

There is no situation insurmountable nor challenge too difficult. You have the victory through his name. There's power in the name of Jesus.

Prayer: Thank you for who you are, Lord. I can stand firm on the authority of your name knowing that there's none as powerful as you and no power can withstand your name.

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