In Proverbs 22:6, God’s word instructs believers to teach our children to choose the right path, and when they are older, they will remain upon it.
It remains true and valid that the family is the first institution that influences how and what a child does in the society. In fact, Proverbs 22:6 tells us that the family has a higher chance to determine a child's character while he grows old.
On the aspect of sexuality, some parents will emphasize that speaking about things sexual to their children corrupts their minds. However, they forget to remember that if the children don't hear it at home from their parents, they'll hear it somewhere else. And that this “somewhere else” cannot be determined by the parents in most cases.
This is why it's important to lay a biblical foundation about sexuality time and again. In this way, the child is reminded of the right approach and their minds guarded against the attack due to ignorance. Another risk the child is prone to if not taught about sexuality by parents is that they may end up finding sexuality an unhealthy part of life.
Parents are advised to teach their children about sexuality for the following reasons:
1. Trust
Many young children have been confirmed to have a great deal of trust in their parents than any other person. Parents can therefore take advantage of this and let those children know what is right. By this, the children trust their words strongly.
2. The Family Chain
When parents teach their children about sexuality, the children find for themselves an opportunity to found a system for their own families. The parents also provide a view of what they, too, should do when they finally establish their family.
3. Familiarity
Not only does the children know their parents and trust them more than any other person out of the home, but also, the parents know their children better than any other person. This is an excellence that equips them to teach these children about sexuality and its scopes in the best way possible and relatable.
4. Tenderness
During the young ages of their children, parents can catch them young and feed them with the right milk of sexuality for growth and they'll establish it before being fed by the open and wild.
How to Biblically Teach Children about Sexuality
Here are a few tips to help you teach biblically children about sexuality
1. Take Examples from the Bible
When Christian parents are to teach their children about sexuality, it's right to take every instance and reference from the Bible. It pays. When children are cultured by their parents to see the Bible as a basis of their guide for the journey through life, it can affect their belief greatly. With this in place sexuality, as tough as it seems, is made easily traceable to God's ordinances and the child can be ready to accept whatever instructions the parents read from it.
2. Don’t teach them on a one-off affair
The teaching about sexuality by Christian parents must not be a one-off affair. The child will be reminded and updated of what sexuality is as soon as their age is ripe for it. From the ages of six to ten, these children become ripe for these conversations and the parents are called upon for this function. The parents therefore have to initiate these conversations early and maintain a regular and timely reminder as the children grow.
3. Use and Memorise Bible Texts
While this is closely related to using Bible examples, the use of Bible texts are another asset that parents can use to imbibe teachings of sexuality in their children. Bible texts can be memorized and meditated upon. This systemizes the child's knowledge of scriptures and strengthens their understanding of certain life issues.
Genesis 1:24–27, which states that "God created them male and female," is a fantastic place to start a discussion about the differences between boys and girls.
Genesis 1:28, "Go forth and multiply," is a fantastic place to start a conversation about how children are conceived and what sexual activity entails.
What does it mean that God weaves us together in our mothers' wombs? Psalm 139:13–18 – "Wonderfully created" Parents can discuss how babies grow and develop in utero using this literature as a starting point.
Sex is also about closeness, which is why it should only be performed during marriage, according to Genesis 2:18–25, which states that "the two shall become one flesh." This text is a fantastic starting point for such conversations.
Another helping tool is the use of Biblical case studies. This helps the child to see a practical application of the knowledge they're being imbibed with. Case studies like Joseph and Timothy and other characters who served God faithfully with their sexual relationship—keeping it undefiled for God.
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