How to Pray for Healing

Healing is your right as a christian. The moment you gave up your old life and became born again, you gained access to healing. According to Isaiah 53: 5 “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” The “we” in that sentence is used to categorize we, the Christians.

Knowing this, when praying for healing, there are certain steps that I think we should take as Christians. The first being to know that it is our right just like I have explained.


Secondly, we have to come to the throne of Grace with faith in our heart believing that what we ask in prayers will be done. Faith is a very important aspect of our prayer life, and the story of Jesus and the fig tree gives backing to this statement. When Jesus commanded the fig tree to wither, he disciples were in awe and he told his disciples that whatever they ask for in prayer will be done once they believe it. Matt 21:22 “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” This shows the contribution of faith to our prayers. There are different examples of people in the scriptures that put their faith in action and got the healing they wanted. E.g the woman with the issue of blood, the centurion's servant etc., for you to know how strong faith is , look at the centurion’s servant, he got his healing based on his master’s faith. Matthew 8:10. Another example will be the woman with the issue of blood, she convinced herself that touching the hem of his garment was enough to heal her and guess what? It did. Do you know how strong her faith must have been for her to think of that?

Another aspect of faith that one must note will be to back it up with action. After praying and believing that God has done it, you have to exercise your faith by doing things you couldn't do before or if it is internal, taking the medical test again to confirm your healing. When Jesus healed the leper in John 5, he said something in Verse 8 that supports this, he said to him “Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.” Just imagine the leper just sat down there and didn't put his faith into action, just imagine.

Always stay in the place of prayer.

The next point will be to be relentless when praying. When someone is capable of giving you something and you are sure he or she has it in store, all you need to do is ask till the person gives it to you. That is the same here, he is our heavenly father and he will not withhold good things from us. That's why we must keep praying because we will receive it in the long run. As Christians, we must cultivate the habit of staying in the place of prayer. No matter how discouraged we may be, stay in the place of prayer, it strengthens your faith and subdues the flesh.

Scripture based prayers

The next step will be to pray with scriptures. The bible is one of the greatest gifts to mankind and we must utilize it well. The word of God is one of the ways God speaks to us, why not quote his word back to him when we pray. It is his word and he will honor it. There are a bunch of scriptures that can be used, e.g. Jeremiah 17:14 - Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise. God honors his words so much and they won’t go back to him void.

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Study the lives of Testifiers

Another step would be to study the lives of testifiers because what God has done for someone, he can do it again. God doesn’t run out of miracles and when you constantly hear or read testimonies you will be energized in your waiting season. For every healing that took place in the bible, there is a lesson to be learnt. Study these stories and take a lesson out of them. Basically, the two reasons why you must study the lives of testifiers is that; you can learn a lesson or two from their stories and you can also key into their stories during your waiting period to strengthen you as your gaze is fixed on God.

Be Expectant

The last step would be to expect your miracles. What would be the essence of your prayers if you are not expecting your miracle? When you are expecting, what you are doing in your waiting period also matters a lot. Praising God for answered prayers and still trusting him are the right things to do when you are in your waiting season. Philippians 4:6 says “but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

You can see the order of how requests should be made to God. We pray and make our requests known to God with thanksgiving.


The Bible says "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”, this goes to show that our prayers as Christians is powerful and effective. A praying christian will always be a powerful christian.

Having known this , there are also certain things a believer must do to receive answers from God and these have been discussed in this writing.


Let’s have a summary of all that was shared:

    Come boldly to the throne of Grace and let your healing request be made known to God because it is our right to do so.

    Be relentless when making your request known to God

    Faith is a key ingredient in the receipt of your answers

    Use scriptures to back up your prayers

    Study the testifiers around you and the one in the scriptures.

If you are believing in God for healing, I pray the mighty hands of God touch you and heals you of every infirmity. He said in his word, ask and it shall be given, we are asking for divine health and we receive it in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!

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