Am I Still Saved?

 The Christian walk is a "faith walk". This means that you don't depend on physical evidence when dealing with spiritual matters.

Many believers, both new and old, struggle with doubt concerning their salvation. They believe when they commit one sin or the other, their salvation has been lost. Instead of running to the Word of God, they choose to believe the devil who keeps telling them that God cannot forgive them, they have lost their salvation or that they were not saved at at all.

The Christian is not a perfect human being but is moving towards perfection through the grace of God. A genuine serious child of God does not deliberately sin against his/her Father, but if he sins (as is sometimes the case), he will quickly reconcile with God who he has offended through repentance and confession of such sin (1 John 1:9).

You don't lose your salvation and become am unbeliever (a child of the Devil) once again because you lost your temper for example.

Don't let the Devil deceive you into believing that you have lost your salvation and that God will never forgive you. Confess that sin now, get your peace with God restored and never go back to the sin again. (Proverbs 28:13).


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