Biography of Pastor Karounwi Damilola Gabriel

Full Biography of Pastor Karounwi Damilola Gabriel

Born on 22nd November, Pastor Karounwi Damilola Gabriel hails from Ogun state, Nigeria. He was born into a family of pastors and grew up in his grandparent’s house where he was deeply furnished with the knowledge of Christ.

married to Mrs Karounwi Itunuoluwa and above all, a lover of the Monarch of Zion
Knowing that his religious background wasn’t enough to truly encounter God, Pastor Karounwi received Jesus as Lord  and savior in the year 2001/2002, when I did my baptism but didn't really take it serious until I rededicated my life to Christ in 2009 when I left all for Christ and from then I began to witness the gospel of Christ Jesus to the end of the world and that was how my born again experience began.
Pastor was born into the C&S church even though at that time my Dad was a celestial while my Mum is a C&S. My grandparents were founders of a C&S church, so I grew up in C&S Movement Church Chapel of Resurrection Araromi Ifako.
His ministry, Menorah, is a school of the Spirit Word which God placed in my heart as a burden to build youths into stature and ranking solely with the revelation of Christ, and it is an interdenominational gathering but with predominantly C&S members. Menorah is an Hebrew word for the 7 lamp stands as seen in Revelation 1:12-13 "And I turned to see the voice that spake unto me. And being turned I saw seven golden candlesticks and in the midst of the seven one like the SON OF MAN clothed with a garment down to the foot and girt about the paps with a golden girdle." That was the scripture that birthed the revelation of the name Menorah. The Journey so far has been sponsored by God since it started in June 2017, we never foresaw all that we see today. We were just in a small enclave, which used to be my former office, holding the meeting, and God was helping us. As God's word were released, we saw all manners of miracles, signs and wonders. Indeed Christ is at the epicentre of all our engagement, and we bless Him for His wondrous works amidst us.
So Menorah simply means Christ in the centre of the church, because when you proceed to the last verse of Revelation 1; we were told the lampstands represents the church and in verse 13 we saw Christ standing at the centre of the church.

The C&S church is a blessed church, and I must confess that the Lord raised the fold to reveal the knowledge of the glory of the Lord lavished with all manner of mammoth level of gifts expressions. We thank God that in our day the deficiency of scriptural knowledge and accurate doctrine is gradually fading off, because the Monarch of Zion has been raising some doctrinal luminaries who are so vast in the word, and the fruits of the word is actually finding expression in them and through them. But my prayer is that we'll not value gifts more than the word because we must come to a place of balance. The compass for our spiritual escapade is the WORD however we can't undermine the place of giftings as scribbled in 1 Corinthians 12. 

Then secondly there's a strong burden for evangelism on my mind because I'm an itinerant minister who does soul winning, and this is my 10th year in that business of winning souls. Presently some of us are even planning to visit some interior corridors where they have not heard with the gospel of Christ. I was in a place recently that i had to journey over the water to get to this extreme end where they are so obsessed with demonic worship, I saw erected altars of darkness but GOD helped us to do spiritual business in that place. This is what we need in the C&S church, there should be an arm for missions in every church, people who are dedicated to evangelism only few C&S churches are doing that and when they see some of us going out for missions they tag us "Proud" because they don't see you in church all the time. For us to grow we must give credence to the WORD, Evangelism and likewise PRAYER must be native to us (Act 20:32, Matthew 28:19-20, Luke 18:1)
How do we cultivate a sense of biblical and godly community in C&S church
Sincerely I have a simple answer to this, our lifestyles must depict what the WORD says. Our white garment must be white within and without such that when people see us even in our attire they can relate well with us because our attire makes us so conspicuous to the world such that any little mistake we do is so visible. My point is we must become the living bible, and our life should resonate with what the WORD says, and this can only happen when we as a church submit to the government of the Holy Spirit. Journeying in partnership with the Holy Spirit makes it easy to cultivate a sense of biblical godly community.

Menorah Ministries International
Pastor Karounwi Damilola Gabriel was born and raised in a Christian home. He is the Principal of Menorah School of the Spirit Word; an enclave anchored on the pursuit for the infallible words of the Father of Light.

Pastor Karounwi was born into the Karounwi’s family on 22nd November. He’s a Graduate of Yaba College of Technology where he studied Urban and Regional Planning. During his campus days, he served as the Prayer Coordinator and Vice President of the C&S Unification, Yabatech Chapter a.k.a UNICASS. He also served as the State Bible Study Secretary for NCCF Kebbi State during his service year, he was also privileged to be the NCCF State Conference Chairman during his tenure. He worked with a telecommunication company and a Realtor before being instructed to drop the job for a full-time engagement of the Gospel.

He was officially ordained a Pastor in 2015 but he has been preaching for about 11 years. He is a dynamic and itinerant Minister of the Gospel fully committed to raising men of stature and ranking in Christ. His passion for this was made to bare in the School he pioneered.

He is a member of the Cherubim and Seraphim Church. However, he is an interdenominational preacher with a desire that all souls be fed and nurtured by the word of God irrespective of their denomination. Habakkuk 2:14; For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea has always been his watchword. His utmost desire is to avoid teaching his generation errors hereby sponsoring his appetite for consistent study and meditation on God’s word.

God through him has wrought many faultless and undeniable signs and wonders, shifting paradigms and bringing to bare the Revelation of the Christ via succinct inspired teachings.

He is happily married to Mrs. Karounwi Itunu Louisa and they are blessed with a bouncing baby boy.

Establishing the Reign and Hegemony of Christ in Earth, by Unraveling the disclosures of Christ to every Nooks and Crannies of the World via the Heralding of the Gospel of the Kingdom and Intimacy with the Godhead
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Menorah is set to Establishing the Reign and Hegemony of Christ in Earth, by Unraveling the disclosures of Christ to every Nooks and Crannies of the World via the Heralding of the Gospel of the Kingdom and Intimacy with the Godhead

Menorah Ministries International
Menorah School of the Spirit Word where God has equipped us for the heralding of the gospel and the teaching of the Word of truth. Menorah is a Hebrew word translated as the lampstands and this will make no meaning till you check Revelation 1:13 where Jesus was standing in between the lampstands and this was the birthing of the vision. We represent a body where Christ is at the centre; the focus is Jesus Christ. We started out officially in June 2017, when we had our first physical meeting and since then have gathered together on a monthly basis. We now have our physical meetings twice in a month: the first and last Saturdays of each month. It is our earnest desire to see men mature into the reality of Christ’s persona and ever since the inception of this School; this has been our focus; to unveil the personality of Christ to all and sundry.
Our Founder

Pastor Karounwi Damilola Gabriel is a seasoned and called teacher of God’s Word who has been following the Lord since 2002 and has been preaching and teaching the Gospel since the year 2009. He was officially ordained as a Pastor in the year 2015 and his primary burden is to bring men into the knowledge of the Word of God as he believes that the reason for lives without results is the absence of an accurate understanding of God’s Word.
Our Programs

Bi-monthly Word and Prayer meetings (First and last Saturdays of each month)  

Establishing the Reign and Hegemony of Christ in Earth, by Unraveling the disclosures of Christ to every Nooks and Crannies of the World via the Heralding of the Gospel of the Kingdom and Intimacy with the Godhead

“I was to minister in a Pentecostal church but was turned down when the church leadership saw the church i was coming from. So those who invited me applied a wisdom by getting a venue outside the church setting but fortunately for them some of the church members came for the programme and they experienced the WORD Of God undiluted and the power of God pervaded and animated everywhere that glorious day. It was strange to them that a C&S persona could teach the WORD so accurately, articulately and succinctly…” Karounwi

Over the years, breaking denominational boundaries by Cherubim and Seraphim preachers seems like a mission impossible. However, with the new ray of change shining so bright in the fold, quite a number of Seraph preachers have mounted the pulpit of most Pentecostal churches, Pastor Damilola Karounwi is one of the stronghold that God has used to break the barrier. Due to his mammoth knowledge in the word of God which has always been an enhancement for dishing out undiluted word of God, many believers gets confused about his denomination and this has likewise opened many doors unto him.

“A lot of persons talk down the fold but we do not care. I even remember I had one experience many years ago, I was to minister in a Pentecostal church but was turned down when the church leadership saw the church i was coming from. So those who invited me applied a wisdom by getting a venue outside the church setting but fortunately for them some of the church members came for the programme and they experienced the WORD Of God undiluted and the power of God pervaded and animated everywhere that glorious day. It was strange to them that a C&S persona could teach the WORD so accurately, articulately and succinctly, so that experience led them to bid me come to minister in the main church and that was how the gate of other denominations opened unto me” recounted Seraph Karounwi.

He pointed out that the reason the fold has suffered major image damage with other denominations is because the fold has left off the track set by the founder, which are the word, prayer and evangelism, “the image became distorted when we gave in to externalities which are not captured within the vision of the fold, we left the intrinsic realities of God as downloaded by our founder Saint Moses Orimolade Tunolase which is predicated upon THE WORD, PRAYER and EVANGELISM and we are embracing wrong cultures, values and systems.

We only have few personas who infiltrated the church and in the real sense they are not part of us and some of them who are truly part of us are bereft of accurate knowledge about the fold and this is because they have not been co-opted or Indoctrinated into the essence of the church establishment. This is why we need to be equipped with KNOWLEDGE. There’s a popular saying that when the purpose of a thing is unknown abuse inevitable” .

He however expressed optimism that the church is getting back on her feet in accordance to the vision laid down by the founder, Saint Moses Orimolade Tunolase, “we thank God that the heritage and image of our fold is being resuscitated again and we are gaining strides in the eternal purposes of God. In the midst of this distorted image God still has remnants and has a way of amplifying the Voice of His own. Though it will take time before this image can be redeemed maximally but the reformation has begun already.

Personally this is really working for me because denominational walls are breaking, we have access to preach in other denominations without restriction which in time past was extremely minimal. The effort of the enemy cannot thrive over the church because we are standing consolidated upon the foundation of Christ”, said Seraph Karounwi.

He conveyed his passion for the fold whilst expressing that the fold is encompassed with spiritual blessings, “the sect is a good place to be and I must be sincere that we are immeasurably blessed that’s why overlooking the excesses is a common place for me. The collocation of giftings, encounters, intimacy and what have you is embedded in the fold and we thank God that the Lord is now restoring the Ministry of the WORD into the fold again which is our Priority as a Christian according to Act 20:32. Teaching priests (2 Chronicles 15:3) are rising enormously in our fold and I’m indeed grateful for this”.

It is not a mere saying that Seraph Karounwi is an adept lover of the Word, which is evident in his teachings and words. No wonder when he was asked what he would change in the fold should he become the worldwide spiritual head, he responded that he would change the crave members have for titles and shift it to the Word of God, because according to him, “that’s is the weightier matter”.

Seraph Karounwi is the brain behind of Menorah School of Spirit Word which is quite different from most other ministries we have prevalent in the society today. The purpose of establishing the school which is two years this June, is specifically building up the youths to unlock their God-given mission, “this is a vision that came as a strong burden to me from the Lord to build and equip youths so they could find their bearing in Christ and also to experience the unlocking of their ordination, this is why it is a SCHOOL OF THE SPIRIT WORD. We don’t run it like others runs ministry and this is why it’s just once monthly except with further instruction. So if God comes today and says I’m giving you another assignment we are good to go, we are not rigid!!!, stated Seraph Karounwi.

Expounding the idea behind the use of “Menorah”, Seraph Karounwi stated that the word Menorah, is quite different and deeper to the meaning/understanding attributed to it by most C&S churches, “Menorah is simply the Hebrew word for the 7lampstands as captured in Revelation 1, unfortunately most C&S churches uses this symbol in our altars but we don’t know the full import and revelation of the MENORAH. It’s a very deep mystery and revelation captured within the person of Christ. Christ is the epicentre of MENORAH and that’s why the centrality of the gospel is geared towards HIM( John 5:39)”, revealed Seraph Karounwi.

Would it not be nice to know somethings about the wonderful Seraph with such a great vision?
He is a graduate of Yaba College of Technology where he bagged Higher National Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning. During his days in Yabatech, he was a devoted member of Cherubim and Seraphim Unification Campus Fellowship in Yabatech where he later served as the Vice-president of the fellowship. During his tenure as the Vice-president of the campus fellowship, there were lot of tremendous achivement on the student body both physically and spiritually.

A Seraph by birth, he is a lover of the Kingdom and has dedicated his life solely to the ministry of heralding the gospel of Jesus to every nooks and crannies of this world. He is a man endowed with wealth of experience and it will interest you to know that he operates in three fold ministry; he is a Pastor by altar, a prophet by office and Apostle by the anointing of the Holy Ghost.

He worships at C&S Movement Church, Chapel of Resurrection, Araromi Ifako. His nickname is ‘Stimulus’. He likes white colour while his favourite hymn is hymn ‘Mo ti ni Jesu l’ore, yebiye lo je fun mi’. He is happily married to Mrs. Karounwi Aderonke Omowunmi.

Pastor Damilola Gabriel Karounwi is the Founder of Menorah School of the Spirit Word and a vibrant evangelist with a deep passion for the Word of God. In an encounter with Emmanuel Abodunrin, he opens up on his love for the ministry, passion for youth development and life as an itinerant preacher

Tell us about the Menorah School of the Spirit Word about?

It’s what the Lord has committed into my hand to build and equip youths. So I teach there every first and last Saturday of the month. Menorah is the Hebrew word for the seven lampstands on our altar.

The vision for Menorah School came as a result of the burden I have for the youth; so it was during a fellowship that God placed the word Menorah in my spirit from the book of Revelation 1:13, where Jesus was standing in between the Menorah lampstands which means the school should be centred around the revelation of Jesus to humanity and nothing else. That is why since the inception of the school, we have been unveiling the personality of Christ. Christ is the centre of the ministry.

Is it non-denominational or a C&S platform for youths?

It is non-denominational but predominantly involved C&S youths. It’s a kingdom school where we teach the word and also reveal spiritual realities. We don’t pay, no admission fee of any kind. It’s basically free to all and sundry.

How long has the school existed and how many youths have you trained?

June this year will make it three years that we started and we have at least 100 persons attending the meetings on a monthly basis but now it is bi-monthly. It’s not a school where you graduate, you keep learning about Christ. It’s not a theological school but a school of the Word. The school in the name is not in the sense of a theological school but according to the prescription of Christ in Matthew 11:28-29,  which says take my yoke upon you and learn of me. In that kind of learning that Christ prescribes, you neither graduate nor get a certificate. It’s a lifetime learning so that’s what our own school is patterned or modelled after.

How do you get funding for your programmes?

The funding comes through a few of us who are willing to partner with God with our resources. There are people who believe in the vision and who are committing the little they have. Initially, I and just one or two persons were committing our resources but along the line, few other persons joined too and God has been faithful even though we are trusting Him for more resources because of the bulk of burdens on our neck. Faithful is He that calls who also will do it.

When would you say you received your prophetic calling and what specific incident gave you the assurance that God indeed had called you?

I grew up in a family with many pastors and prophets. So right from my childhood, I received prophetic revelations of how I was going to work for the Lord and do the bidding of the Father but I never took it really seriously but all the facts around me were pointing to my ordination. However, I eventually submitted to the will of the Father by becoming born again. So I discovered that I’m always outstanding in anything spiritual; my passion for the word was alarming. I read spiritual books like I was drinking water; I had several leadership portfolios in my secondary school, church and during my days on campus too. I also began to encounter God in a strange way most especially when I study the word of God. So on this particular day, my encounter with the Lord was so profound from the Book of Jeremiah 1:5 which says, “Before you were born I knew you and I ordained you to be a prophet unto the nations.”

So, you didn’t have any dream like many pastors would say?

I had several dreams too but I can’t share all but one of which I saw myself preaching to several people, ministering to the sick etc. I shared my profound encounter because I believe the word prevails above dreams and all.

I got born again during my school days when I had my baptism around 2001/2002 though I had to do a rededication in 2009 when I had the full understanding of what I was going into fully.

Were you born into the C&S?

Yes, I was but as of the time I was born, my dad was in the Celestial Church of Christ while my mum was in the C&S Church. My secondary school was helpful in my spiritual voyage because when we were in JSS 2 or thereabouts, the missionary took over the school. So it was a Christian regulated environment which helped me to be dedicated at the fellowship. Those days, I played the drums for the fellowship.

I became ordained officially as a Pastor in 2015 following an instruction from God and ever since I was dedicated to it.

What’s your opinion about prophets who have bastardised the prophetic ministry in the C&S?

The only issue we have in our time is the knowledge of the word. The prophetic is supposed to be an outflow of the word of God you have captured, therefore, the prophetic is regulated by the word of God. Anything short of this is a pseudo prophetic ministry. So I encourage such prophets to go for the word.

What’s your advice for C&S youths?

My advice to all youths is to remember our Creator in the days of our youth and to follow the will of God for our lives early enough. Then as much as we want to see a new C&S arise, we should do it peacefully, not in arrogance and pride. A change doesn’t occur in a day, it takes time.

Some people have said the C&S church does not do enough evangelism. Do you agree?

I agree that C&S do not engage in intense evangelism and I also do agree that God is now raising dogged and young evangelists in the fold. I believe in evangelism so much which is my core and area of concentration. I even organise outreaches to villages which we also intend to do this year provided we have enough fund but usually, we trust God for our finances

You are a vibrant prophet and a preacher and also good looking. How do you handle the opposite sex?

Smiles! In the Kingdom, there are principles that engender victorious living. I learnt from fathers in the faith especially those who were pure in this regard and I learnt the principle of setting boundaries and discipline, these are the two key factors that keep helping me against any of such advances from the opposite sex and to God be the glory that my fountain is pure till date and I pray for more Grace in the years ahead.

As an itinerant preacher, who is into full-time ministry, how do you cope with financial pressure?

Finance is one key factor that plagues ministers especially full-time itinerant preachers but for me, I rely solely on God for my finance. Whenever it shows up,  I appreciate God and if it doesn’t,  I count on God’s faithfulness. I don’t do beyond myself because I’m not in competition with anyone; I believe all that I need will fall in place at the appointed time. Many ministers are in a hurry that is why they engage in fraudulent acts or swindle people thereby becoming charlatans on the pulpit. The word that resonates with my spirit most often is MY GOD SHALL SUPPLY ALL MY NEEDS ACCORDING TO HIS RICHES IN GLORY THROUGH CHRIST JESUS. No doubt there are times you’re down financially, yet we count on God’s faithfulness.

What’s your advice for prophets who tell lies because of their stomachs?

It’s absolutely unbiblical to lie because of stomach infrastructure; such doesn’t constitute the nature of God. If God didn’t call you into a full-time ministerial engagement, it is better to work because the bible says he that doesn’t work shouldn’t eat. Even as a full-time minister, God sometimes permits that you engage in businesses that could bring in incomes without affecting your ministerial effectiveness so as not to depend primarily on people for all your needs. That’s my piece of advice.


Books by Pastor Damilola Karounwi Damilola Gabriel

Pastor Karounwi has authored the following books
  • The Divine Nature: Divine Nature, Consiousness, Mediation
  • Book Title 2
  • Book Title 3
  • Book Title 4

© 2019 Adura Foundation International.

Pastor Karounwi Damilola Gabriel is active on social media. You can connect with him via his official handles on Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and X.
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