7 Youth Churches in Lagos you want to be a part of

Many young, youthful believers in Lagos have a problem with choosing what church to attend, they need churches that can build there spiritual life at the same time help them grow socially, this post would be of some help to you.

1 We are the new

Popularly known as “The New”, We are the New is a church for all ages and categories of people, led specifically by young people, with a mission to raise a supernatural army. They are a people who love hard and recklessly, who intentionally reach out to the lost and broken, exude excellence and creativity with an intense practice of prayer  and worship, all built on the foundation of the word of God. the church is located at Ikeja and those on the mainland especially at Ikeja axis, this is the church for you. they are vibrant and its headed by Pastor Okodugha Olushola.

2 RCCG, LSC The Bridge

LSC The Bridge is a youth church located at Airport Hotel Ikeja, That’s where the Headquarters is located and the church is headed by the General Overseers Son himself Leke Adeboye. they also have a branch at Fadeyi, Yaba to be precise the branch is headed by the music minister Joshua Banjo. a very vibrant church filled with bonding activities and other activities to help their members grow into useful and influential people in the society.

3 CCI, Celebration Church International

CCI Lagos Mainland is the pioneer branch of CCI Global and was established in November 2012 with the vision to see all men are celebrating endless life in Christ Jesus. CCI has enlisted, and still enlists men for the kingdom through dedicated teachings, as well as the redeployment of men to make even more disciples. 

We pride ourselves in community. Our belief is that each person who walks in through our doors has a family in us and this is an integral part of our culture as a church.

We work tirelessly to see to it that you enjoy progress and joy in the faith, all day, everyday.

Have you attended any of these churches yet?

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