How to Wait on God

Writing this article, I randomly recall a few lines from a song in my local church

Waiting on the Lord for the promise given
Waiting on the Lord from sin he frees us
Waiting on the Lord by our faith receiving
Waiting in the Upper Room…

Waiting on God is a popular statement made by believers

Wait on God
Waiting on God is a call to the end of yourself
Isaiah 40:27-31, 1st Kings 19:4-7, Proverbs 27:7, James 4:6, Luke 4:39

How to Wait on God

1. Acknowledge your weakness

Your strength cannot take you far so you must relinquish your strength and wait upon the Lord. Man was designed to be weak so that God would manifest His strength.

2. Be Humble

To receive anything from God, you must come in humility.

One of the greatest sources of strength is the assurance of God's presence.

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