Many people often say, "I've been praying and waiting to hear from God about something, but He's not answering. It's like He's silent." This can be very worrying.
The truth is, God is never silent; you just need to understand how He
communicates. God has already spoken to us through the Bible, which addresses
all aspects of life. God can speak to us through many ways, such as:
Through His word: "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my
path." (Psalm 119:105). And Psalm 119:130 says, "The entrance of thy words
giveth light; it giveth understanding to the simple."
The Bible is not just a storybook. It provides understanding and clarity for
every situation in life. If you have God's word, you can't think He is silent.
His words are meant to guide us.
You need to constantly meditate on the word of God. Search for scriptures
that are relevant to whatever you need clarity on. Pray and meditate on them.
Joshua 1:8 says, "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy
mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe
to do according to all that is written therein; for then thou shalt make thy
way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success."
The Holy Spirit also helps to confirm His word. So, wait on the Holy Spirit.
An inner, still small voice will either confirm or dispute.
If you lose your peace when you make a decision or feel agitated about an
issue, then the answer is no. But if you have peace, then the answer is yes.
In conclusion, talk to your pastor or a trusted mentor. The Bible says,
"By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established."
You don't have to go to the mountains or visit a prophet or prophetess to
hear from God. Don't do anything contrary to His word.
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