Making a Difference

MAKING A DIFFERENCE *TEXT:* GENESIS 7:1, ROMANS 12:2, ACTS 13:36, 10:1,8,23-26, PROVERBS 11:25. *MESSAGE:* What does it mean to make a difference? Making a difference means causing a change in a particular place or sphere. It means making an impact in uniqueness. It involves setting yourself apart from what others are doing by relying on God. In Genesis 7:1, Noah decided to set himself apart, not to go against the will of God. He made a difference and the Lord could call on him. Making a difference means being morally upright and righteous (Romans 12:2). When others are doing unlawful and ungodly things, make a stand and decide that you will set yourself apart. In Act 13:36, David was a man after God's heart who served the Lord with all his heart. There are people in the bible who set themselves apart. For example, Prophet Isaiah set himself apart from the evil in his day. Apostle Paul and Peter used all they had for their generation. People chase material things and forget about the will of God, engage in the evil practices of the world, preach what they do not do and end up being bad influences to the kingdom. *How to Make a Difference.* 1. Walk closely with God (Acts 10:1): Cornelius was a man who was different. You can not be different if you do not walk closely with God. If you cannot make a difference, you cannot achieve the same feat that the great ones did. 2. Obey God (Acts 10:8, Acts 10:23-25): men in the scripture obeyed God no matter the circumstances. They were different. 3. Reach out to people outside your comfort zone: you cannot make a difference if you do not move out to reach people or make an impact outside your comfort zone. 4. Reach out of people (follow up on people): look, search for people who are just coming up or that just gave their life to Christ and follow them up to maturity. 5. Disregard criticism: Do not care about what people are saying. *Benefits of Making a Difference.* 1. We find purpose and meaning to life and there is a sense of fulfilment. 2. We lay up treasures in Heaven. 3. We bless people and our Lord blesses us- Proverbs 11:25. *Requirements for Making a Difference* 1. Courage: Making a difference requires you summoning courage 2. Sacrifice: It takes sacrifice to make a difference. 3. Hardwork: Making a difference requires hardwork for as a lazy person, you cannot make a difference. *Prayer Point* God help me to be useful to my Generational and my family. *God bless you!*

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