Understanding God’s Ways

Understanding God's Ways Psalm 103:7, Psalms 25:4-5, Proverbs 4:11, Exodus 20:19, John 17:17 Way is a defined as the manner of doing things. It is a bag for traveling along. Knowing God's way means learning God's way of doing things and learning to walk along God's path. Enoch walked with God. Enoch was a man who took time to learn God's manner and ways. An act is an obvious action that can be experienced by your senses - you can feel, see, touch, taste and even smell. We can never fully finish knowing God. Like an onion has layers, there are depths in God and levels to understanding Him Knowing God's acts is a second hand level of knowing God * Study God's word. You can't know God outside your study life * Communication (Prayer) * Prompt and complete obedience. When God sees your willing to obey, He becomes clearer per time. The more of God you seek to know, the more of Him he is ready to reveal.

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