Our Lives: A call to Reflection

First, I must start with the fact that words fail me. Early January 2020, I followed the effects of the pandemic in China and East-Asia from behind my phone screen, it was easy to be detached from it. There was a lot of calls on social media saying to pray for China but it was more of a suggestion, not like something we had to do with fervency, love and intention. One of the things I learnt from that truly deeply love and care about others. Then here it came. First, this pandemic came at a time when I was already wading through some difficulty in my life personally. It was a sort of welcome break that would allow me to pause, I could take time off and be by myself.
Our Lives: A call to Reflection

In the previous year, I struggled with anxiety, loneliness and depression. Therefore, I had some sort of reservation about being isolated. I wanted to be around people, I feared that isolated might trigger me the wrong way. I am an introvert-extrovert as much as I like my space and thrive in quietness. I enjoy being around people, I like being able to be helpful, to listen and to be listened to. One of the things that these fourteen days have done is take more time to get to know myself and understand parts of my personality I hadn't explored before. I'd encourage you to do the same. One of the things this pandemic forces us to be is to be alone with ourselves and this is an opportunity to discover ourselves. 

It also drives us to confront some of the deep-seated issues we may not have known existed before. I found myself doing a lot was reaching out for my phone and downing a lot of time on social media but what that did to me was leave me feeling empty. The more I scrolled, the more emptiness I felt. I don't know if you have ever been at that point where you've opened Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat and Triller and there still felt an unmet longing in your heart. Social media cannot fill this void. In these times, I am propelled to turn away from my phone and be with myself, my thoughts and with God. One of the things I have also learnt that is our eyes are a window to our soul and we are constantly being influenced by the things that we see whether or not we are conscious of it. Our phones through social media is a big window of influence. Every tweet, every update, every post is an impression on our soul whether we are taking it or not. It's storing up. So watch what you see. I am trying to do that. 

One part is bringing back everything I see and the impressions that I get to, what does God think about this? What does Jesus think about this? This is because I sometimes find myself buying wrong ideologies. I encourage people to pray fervently in the spirit as much as possible but I also encourage having honest conversations with God. This pandemic has allowed me to have more of those honest conversations. "Dear God, I hate to admit this but I felt jealous of her..., Dear God help me to forgive... God I know this is not what you think but I saw this on social media and I am starting to think that way, please change my mind". Many times being alone with your thoughts forces you to confront your fears, fears that you've had and you didn't even know you did. So I'd encourage put that phone down, take time to think about what you are thinking about at that moment and have conversations with God. Rolling out of bed, one of the first things I find myself doing is reaching out for my phone. Trust me that is a terrible way to start your day, opening social media. Now, since I just reach for my phone, I start my day with the daily bible reading and studying on the YouBible app and spend some time reflecting on how the reading speaks to my life now. It's a practice I'd encourage. A whole lot has been said about using the pandemic wisely: learning, reading, taking online courses. 

There have also been arguments that these put people under pressure. It is a two-way thing. Understand yourself and do what works for you. I know reading books can be sort of difficult in this period, but there are other fun learning tools. Since we are all spending more time on social media than we should anyway we may as well learn with it. For example, there is a lot of really interesting Instagram live sessions to learn from. At the risk of boring you and writing a piece that you might just skip to the end. I would stop here. The key things are more talking to God, learn about yourself, less social media, more learning. Stay confident that this season works out for our good just as God has promised.

"So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God's perfect plan of bringing good into our lives, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfil his designed purpose." Romans 8:28 TPT


An Unexpected But Very Impactful Learning Curve

The 2020 lockdown was pretty interesting.
First, I was certain it was going to blow over in a few days. So I didn't pay it much mind. Then I heard the President's first announcement. But honestly, it has been pretty good. I've learnt so much and taken up spontaneous projects, improved my relationships, talked to God more, renewed my relationship with Coke 🤣🤣🤣and yes, I've been waking up by 9. Or later.
However, I've missed work! I miss Lagos. I've missed the early morning rush and late night traffic. I've missed my colleagues and my bosses. I've missed the ofada woman and Ìyá Àmàlà. And the Hausa okada guys who think they are somehow immune to mortality but can be pretty fun to engage.

 TOLA : 🤣🤣 TIFE said “immune to mortality” and someday you will take me to that ìyà Àmàlà joint . I love food adventures . It’s been more than 14 days now so what have you learnt so far ma’am ?

TIFE :  This period, I have learnt 😄
At the beginning, it was really easy to be sad and just complain endlessly about what was not working.
But I'm grateful for the help and comfort and strength that God gives.
Very quickly, He reminded me that He's Emmanuel, God with us. So whether I am at home or at work, God is still with me. He's not distant.
So we move!

Perhaps, one of the most vital things I have learnt is that there are different seasons in life. The right understanding of the various times and seasons in life is your ace. Your understanding would shape your perspective and that would ultimately shape your experience.

Again, it is really easy to see what is on the surface. But the surface view is almost never the whole thing.

Also, fear is a terrible thing 😂😂😂. So guard your heart and protect your space. God has made readily available the spirit of power-strength. The spirit of love-you can reach out to others and extend the love of God to them. A sound mind-you can make wise decisions. Fear doesn't allow you do all that. It limits your seeing, makes you selfish and influences your decisions.

What is your own take on how we should spend the rest of the pandemic break ?
TIFE : This is where I'm tempted to say Do it! You know, sign up for that course, watch that webinar, learn that skill, start that project.
While these things are important and time is truly expensive, I'll say to breathe! Really, breathe.
Be still and know that He is God.
Ask questions. From God, from your teachers, from Google, from yourself.
So you are properly positioned in this season.
For some of us, it is to learn. For some, it is to reconnect. For some, it is to start. Just be sure that whatever you're doing, it is for the right reasons. You're not setting up that class out of fear of financial bankruptcy. And you're not not setting up that class out of fear of failure.

Thank you so much , if there is anything you have exposed for what it is , it is fear . You have taught us to not let fear decide for us . That is a wonderful take home amongst other and thanks for making us have fun with your TRUTH .

A Better Method?

Many activities globally seize the interest of many minds. Amidst these activities and remarkable events was the pandemic: the covid-19 virus. As I write you my course of personal notable changes, I will tell you my thoughts, beliefs and eventually, my decision.


The virus was in China and Spain was taking its share of the unwanted effects the virus carried before I actually took it serious. Before now, I was that sect of Nigerians that paid little or mild attention to the weariness of other nations whenever they were agitating for help. I count the ills in my country and think of how to save my country from loosing itself. My colleagues and friends, they would sit and talk about the country Nigeria and I wish I was it's Superman. I bet in my head, I had saved more lives than Jesus Christ in his days😅Boom ! 💥 The virus won its first follower in Nigeria.It hit me! What if I had prayed for them ? 

Philippians 2:3-5 

'Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus' 

I didn't have to be in rivalry with them mentally. Considering them with little empathy was already making my supposed love for humanity questionable. So, I asked for forgiveness and prayed for the world in general whilst I daydream saving the country in my green cape and hoping to change it someday at my allotted time.

We gotta pray for the world.That is a great lesson for me and I am glad I found that out.

I took up artistry more seriously this year. I started this year with so much vibrance and promise that I would show a rise for every day and every week I would be graced with life this year. The pandemic poured liquid strains on my blueprint delaying and sidelining many of my plans mostly financially.I was distracted by confusion and sadness because I couldn't take it out there, show the world and grow the way I wanted to.After a week of realizing there was nothing I could do about the state of things, I told God to give me the spirit to be calm.Most of my close friends are surprised that I am not depressed about it since they know how focused I can be when I wanna see something through.

In the past, when I didn't see a change or progress and others were doing the exact same thing, I wore two expressions. I would be unhappy but not jealous. I would get up and do more. To be frank, few times I ask God what didn't I do while most times, I call my team together without asking my maker (God) if he could join us. Now, I can't see anyone running too far ahead. I am still running. I stopped, I asked God what do I do? I apologized for all the times I didn't do right by him and I promised when everyone begins the rat race again, he and I are running together.

Lastly, Family

Pulling close to family at this time was bound to happen. Discovering tolerance, love, peace and communication despite the new differences was pristine as I achieved it smoothly.I figured out that in the frenzy of so many goals, chasing financial freedom, titles and so many of our different destinations. There is always God waiting by our side waiting for us to say "I need you, show me what I can not see on my own" Also, whatever your worries are today, they  weren't meant to define your bus stop. I know you know that but what you don't know is worrying is you taking all the challenges on yourself and not considering God to make it HIS and turn it around.

The best is yet to come. 

Stay true to yourself

So what have I been doing this break?
This is basically like my daily routine. ☺

Firstly, I've given more time to study of the bible and prayers. You see, it may sound pretty unconventional but that's what it is. It's for me the best way to go and grow in life so that's topmost priority. 🙏🏾

Secondly, I've given more time to reading books that help me grow in business and personal development. I didn't like reading as much but I was encouraged to when I saw how much my younger brothers read and funny I can even remember my youngest brother giving me an issue over the phone why I would let a day pass without reading. 😂 I was really intentional about reading this year as I can't even remember finishing up to 5 books throughout a year. By this month alone I've read more than what I had totalled in any year before. I read 1 hour every or 3 chapters or 30 pages depending on the book, but I must finish at least 2 books every month. Some other  people have been major forces in encouraging me to read.📚

Thirdly, I've been learning programming. I started with visual programming in February and still on it. I'm hopeful to start on text-based by the middle of the year. It's been pretty interesting...and boring. 😔

 Fourthly, CHORES/ERRANDS. I've written it in caps. Lol, Yeah, I know. 😂😂 Who else feels like parents should just write a list of things they need done so you just do them at once instead of calling you every time. I see some hands raised. Lol, that's the feeling. Taking care of my baby sisters doesn't exactly feel like a chore because it just really helps with relaxing. Assisting in the kitchen may just be like my real deal. I love cooking! It's my number one thing. I like food, I should like cooking too. 😅 No try me and cooking.

 What have you learnt so far ... 

If I've learnt anything in these 2 weeks, it's multitasking. I was really bad at it! I could completely loose it when I had to just mix 2 things or more. I've most definitely also enjoyed the time with my family, though it would've been more fun had my guys returned home, but now no be fun time.

Seems you have been doing so much compared to some of us 😌😁 so how do you think we can all be productive during this compulsory holiday 

How would I advise you to make use of this period? 🤔Find out for yourself! People are not exactly the same so there's no straight jacketed way on that. I've got friends who are doing as much as rediscovering themselves to as much as taking online courses to as much as just making sure to get the really needed rest. Don't let anyone set any standards for you. Define what success is to you and be intentional about it this period. Living intentionally is a sure guarantee for good success.

Take care of you. Stay safe.
Onuche favorite bible verse is Job 32:8 
But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.


I believe strongly in my heart that this spoke to you as it did to me. You never know the lies you have told yourself and the fears you pretend to overcome until you are alone with your thoughts and you allow God to talk. Hang in there - you will figure it out .


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