It Could Have Been Something Different…

As I laid down that Sunday evening, I thought of my journey to Lagos the following morning and this introductory part of Adekunle Gold’s song dropped in my head. I’ve heard the song a couple of times, but randomly coming to my head was unexpected. Now, the next few lines is not in any attempt to fault the song but here’s something the Holy Spirit brought to my attention when I heard the introductory lines

“…It could have been something different…”

The Holy Spirit pointed out something I used to do many times - I used to look back at a situation and say "it could have been something different". When He brought this to heart, I tried, but truly couldn’t count how many times I’ve made that statement.

More often than not we don't know that our present thought speaks of what we think of the past and determines our healing. The Holyspirit said to me "Tola you can't move fast if you keep thinking the past could have been any different because that's just more like you are regretting". 

One way to move on quickly like Oprah said is to not accept that what happened to you was okay or what you did or what someone did to you was okay but accepting that it has happened and to stop thinking that the past could have been any different . 

Yes of course we might have missed few opportunities and gotten bruised or bruised others but we need to stop wishing the past could have been any different so we can move on with our beautiful lives .

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