Being Christ to Your Neighbour

 God's commandment to every believer is to "love your neighbour as yourself".

Loving your neighbour

There are many ways through which you can show love to your neighbour. In any way you choose, the ultimate goal is to ensure that you show love from a heart of purity and genuine concern. This proves your love from a point of understanding that is greater than mere acts of service and worldly show of care and affection.

How to Show Love to as a Believer

1. Understand that God is Love

There are foundational rules for everything we do as humans. In this case, to show love, there is need for a proper understanding of God's persanality - God is Love. You cannot give what you don't have and so if you do not have God, you cannot give or show love properly.

To conclude, I am reminded of a hymn that aptly describes God's love for believers in Christ and the need to share this love with the next person.

How deep the Father's love for us;

How vast beyond all measure,

That He should give His only son

To make a wretch His treasure.

How great the pain of searing loss

The Father turns His face away

As wounds which mar the Chosen One

Bring many sons to Glory

Behold the man upon a cross,

My sin upon His shoulders;

Ashamed, I hear my mocking Voice

Call out among the scoffers.

It was my sin that held Him there

Until it was accomplished

His dying breath had brought me life

I know that it is finished

I will not boast in anything,

No gifts, no power, no wisdom;

But I will boast in Jesus Christ,

His death and resurrection

Why should I gain from His reward?

I cannot give an answer;

But this I know with all my heart

His wounds have paid my ransom

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