6 Ways the Holy Spirit works in Your Life Today

The Holy Spirit is a beautiful and powerful part of who God is. We need Him in our life as a conduit to become who God created us to be, and through His power we have aid in all situations. Without Him, we are powerless. He is the third person in the Godhead.

How the Holy Spirit works in you today

My first encounter with the Holy Spirit was an awesome experience, I was  still in campus as at then, we had this prayer and praise night, I have never felt that way in my life before, it came on me like a cold and gentle wind, I lack words to describe the experience but what I can say is that my life never remained the same again. I got boldness and an overwhelming calmness inside of me. 

The Holy Spirit and you

The Holy Spirit is the promise of the Father.

■ Without the Holy spirit, there is no righteousness or justification. God can save no man outside of the spirit.

■ The Holy Spirit is our down-payment and the assurance that Jesus is coming back for us. (Eph 1:13-14)

The Holy Spirit is the executioner John 14:16

This topic shows the need for the consciousness of the silly Spirit and that we might accept Him as a person you can feel. He is the believer’s advantage over others.

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Becoming conscious of the aholy Spirit settles the future. His necessity should not be limited to ministration and church things. Romans 8:26, Ephesians 3:16

It’s one thing to be saved and another thing to remain in salvation

It’s one thing to be saved by faith and another to live a life of faith

It’s one thing to have the aholy Spirit and another thing to obey and follow the aholy Spirit.

Romans 8:4 Living and walking in the spirit

John 16:13


■ He is a governor, Matthew 3:12 When the Holy Spirit comes into a person, His goal is to sort things out. He beautifies our lives.

■The Holy Spirit is the assurance and hope of salvation. Colossians 2:13

■The Holy Spirit is the fire of God in us. Acts 10:38

The Holy Spirit is a senior partner and you should trust him with everything - your business, career, academic and anything else. The benefits of the Holy Spirit can't be fully comprehended and definitely can't be numbered, but here are three ways the Holy Spirit works in us today.

1. The Holy Spirit gives us Power.

Power to do and be more than you can imagine! Acts 1:8 says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” This power that comes from the Holy Spirit allows you to stand strong for the things of God. We find in the Bible that Peter, who two months before denied Jesus three times, stands before a crowd immediately after receiving the Holy Spirit and over 3,000 people come into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

2. The Holy Spirit gives us Spiritual Gifts

 The gifts of the Spirit are outlined in 1 Corinthians 12:8-11 and speak to things such as miraculous healing, wisdom, prophecy, speaking in tongues, and discernment. These gifts were manifested 2,000 years ago, but they can be alive and well in our own lives today! Through personal experience and the testimonies of other, I have seen these gifts in action. Every time they have shown themselves, they have blessed the individual recipient of the gift as well as glorified God in the process.

3. The Holy Spirit Helps us

In John 16:7, Jesus told the Apostles of His departure but assured that that He was sending the Helper who is the Holy Spirit. When I think of the Holy Spirit, this is how I primarily think of Him: God with us, helping and empowering us to live a flourishing life that radiates the goodness of God. I don’t know about you but I’m constantly aware of my need for divine help. In weak times, the Holy Spirit remains a strength. He is a friend, a real personality - a friend closer than a brother (Romans 8:9) Also, as my flesh fights for control, it’s the Spirit that steps in and helps me to be who God created me to be. When you are feeling powerless or tired or like your failing at life, you can have confidence as a believer that you're not alone. You can start each day knowing the Holy Spirit is there to help you. He is the power that sustains, energizes, and keeps you on a holy path. Do not hesitate to invite Him in.


Read: I was born into a Pastor's family but didn't get a lot of things right about the Bible

4. The Holy Spirit Gives Hope

Again, we read in Romans 15:13 that the Holy Spirit gives us hope. In this verse, the Apostle prayed that “the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope”.

5. The Holy Spirit makes you like Christ

He makes you more like Christ. “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit, ” (2 Corinthians 3:18).  The Holy Spirit is the new life and seal given to a new believer in Christ - Ephesians 1:13, John 3:3-5.

6. The Holy Spirit helps us Pray

A growing child can start talking while in the growth process, however it will take proper learning to communicate to people around. Like the growing child, we cannot pray or effectively communicate to God without the help of the Holy spirit. The Holy Spirit guides your prayers and Romans 8:26 aptly puts it that the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words”

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