While growing up as kids, I literally watched the way my parents helped around with things. Ranging from our school assignments amongst others. Looking back today, it reminds me of how our heavenly Father is always on the lookout for His Own.
One of the many attributes of God is EBENEZER. It means "Stone of Help." By saying thus far has the Lord helped us, the name was coined from one of the many adventures of the Israelites. At the end of Eli's tenure and the beginning of Samuel's tenure as the judge of Israel. The children of Israel sinned and transgressed against God, they failed to acknowledge God and went about serving others gods. During this period the Philistines waged war against the children of Israel for two times consecutively and won.
However, during a certain period the children of Israel were remorseful and acknowledged God as the only source of help. At this time too, the Philistines were about waging another war against the children of Israel, but God showed Himself as Ebenezer and discomfited them so that the Children of Israel were victorious.
One vital lesson from this is that EBENEZER is our only "Source of Help." He's ever ready to help us only if we acknowledge his presence. Scriptures confirm that the Lord is our Present Help (Psalm 46:1).
There are many reasons why life isn't giving you what you want. However, in every situation, Ebenezer (help) is every present, but there must be an acknowledgement by you that he's the only one before He would show up.
If you are reading this article has been life head on not prepared. You're at the verge of giving up, why don't you just give it up. The situation of things isn't favourable, you're tired, stressed and depressed. But then there's one person ever ready to listen to you He's Ebenezer. If you got to any river in your life and you think you cannot cross through? Or mountains you can't tunnel through? God specialises in things thought impossible and He can do what no other power can do. God HELPS us seek popularity where it counts - at the court of God!
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