5 Ways to Set your Heart on God

5 Ways to set your Heart on God by Godgift Godwin

Setting your heart to God means that you completely allow His new life and purpose to rule through you. It means that you have chosen to completely wash your earthly worries away, surrender wholly to Him and daily trust Him to guide you. To set your heart on God is not only done by praying, going to church, praising God in songs and Psalms, or even giving a portion of your income to the church. Setting your heart on God takes more than these religious acts. To set your heart on Him truly, you have to love God with all your heart and with all your strength. How then can you in practice, set your heart on God?

1. You must Know God 

We have a lead in James 4:7-8. Loving is knowing. If you want to set your heart on God, you have to know Him by reading the Bible, which is a compilation of books that describe Him. The Bible is practically God's autobiography. Listening to preachers sent by God will also help you increase your knowledge about Him. In order to to set your heart on God, it is necessary to know Him so that we can better understand what He wants for us. In our article here, the qualities to becoming a true witness for Christ were mentioned and the reference to the seven sons of Sceva just rightly hits it everytime as regards why you must know God. We set our hearts on God by reading the Bible and trying to apply what we read while engaging other spiritual exercises. To sst your heart on God ultimately requires that we spend time getting to know Him to better understand what He wants for us.

2. Obey His Command

If you disobey God’s commands, how can you say you are setting your heart on Him? Hence, grow your love by obeying His commandments. If you don’t know what those commandments are, you may find them in the Bible. All the Lord’s instructions can be considered His commandments, from loving Him to loving your neighbors as you love yourself.(John 14:15)

3. Watch and Pray

The devil wants you to be distracted from God. Jesus, knowing this instructed believers to, “Watch and pray so that you do not enter into temptation” (Matthew 26:41). Paul also be revelation, said to Timothy, “Watch your life and your doctrine” (1 Timothy 4:16), and he said to the Ephesians elders, “Watch yourselves and the flock over which God has made you overseers” (Acts 20:28). You can only truly set your heart on God if you have a watchman over your heart and life.

Fellowship with other Christians

We can choose to hangout with worldly friends who are likely to lead us away from God or instead, have fellowship with true believers who understand God and His guidelines. In our article where we explained the essence of the church to the believer, you see that true Christian friends will encourage you to get closer to the Lord. These are truly the best friends you’ll ever have because they’re looking out for your best interests, your heart and your soul.

Show gratitude

We have so much to be thankful for in our lives.  Where do those blessings come from? Well from God, of course!  Part of our prayer life should be giving thanks to the Lord for all of the many blessings that He bestows upon us.  I’m not talking about the stuff we have. Of course, we’re thankful for our families, our homes and our health. But recognize our freedoms and privileges, the air we breathe, the nature that’s beautiful to our eyes and most of all, the salvation of our souls.  

It’s the things we cannot see that we sometimes neglect and take for granted.

Believe and Share God's Word

You can only believe words from someone you have placed your heart and trust in. At the same time, you will only share God's word if your heart is set on Him. This is because you will want everyone around you and even far away to benefit from serving the one true God. By believing God's word (2 Timothy 3:16,17) and sharing His word abroad (Matthew 28:19), you set your hearts towards Him and stay connected to Him
Connecting with God is as simple as pause and play. It’s only a simple matter of including Him in your life and in all that you do.

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  1. Be blessed as I have also been blessed by the WORD you have shared with us.This is what we have been commanded by God"To make make His word be known by Men"....Amen!Amen!


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