The average believer must have come across or heard the word "witness" at some point in time or the other. If you have not, then this is your first time and we're more than glad to take you through what this means to the body of Christ. That said, who is a witness? How do we define witnessing for Christ?
A witness in its simple term can be defined as someone who testifies in evidence or someone who attests to an event. More specifically, and in relation to the kingdom of God, it is recorded in the book of Acts 2:32 that a witness is a person who experiences or partakes in an event to serve as evidence of it and thereby attests to the truism of the event. This leads us to discuss the matters of who can become a witness for Christ, how to become witnesses for Christ and ultimately, the qualities required of a witness for Christ.
Who Can Become a Witness for Christ?
Basically, everyone can become a witness for Christ. However, itis olnly necessary that such person is regenerated and possesses the necessary requisites for becoming Christ’s witness - Without a true experience of the changes Christ brings, a person cannot be a witness for Him, because as a witness you testify to something you have experienced. If you do not experience Christ, how then can you witness for/about Him.
How to Become a witness for Christ
It is not enough to define a witness and who can become a witness without expressing the steps required to become a witness, so, therefore, the section would justify the steps required to be a witness and thereby proceed to the qualities of a witness in the subsequent section. Steps to become a witness for Christ:
- Share the Life of Christ: The first step to being a witness for Christ is in your preparation to share your experience. Sharing what you’ve experienced is what makes you a witness. Prepare your mind and get ready with the help of the Holy Spirit to share the events you’ve experienced and the changes Christ brought to your life through the power of Salvation. You should also share the experiences you’re currently undergoing in the process of getting better and growing deeper in Christ. A very good point to start this is by joining our share Your Salvation story project. You can read more about the project here
- See Unbelievers the way God sees them: By doing this, you are helping them to see the glorious light of Christ. After making up your mind through the help of the Holy Ghost to witness the Word (Christ), it is necessary to see unbelievers the way God sees them. God sees a sinner as a friend and always wishes eternal life for them (John 3:16). God is a friend of sinners and He doesn’t despise them. Instead, God despises the sins they commit. As a witness of Jesus Christ, you must learn through the Holy Ghost to see people (unbelievers and even believers) the way God sees them. That way, you would be a better witness for Him. You should also bear in mind that you can never effectively (with God’s Love) witness Christ to a person you despise or hate. This is another major reason why you need to see unbelievers and everyone around you through the eyes and lens of God.
- Share the Gospel: The gospel is the Word of God and as witnesses, the tool you have to witness Christ is His Word. God is Jesus and Jesus is the Word of God, as a result, Jesus is the Word. (John 1:1-4). The only tool you get/have as a witness is the book that talks about who you’re to talk about - as you know little about Him unless you study more about Him in His book (the Bible) through the Holy Spirit.
- Mentor and Help Others Grow in Faith: Another way of witnessing Christ is by helping other believers grow in faith. You can do this through your words, service, study of the word with fellow believers and especially, your character. Character is one of the most important ways of witnessing Christ because in today's world, your character is the watchword..
- Uphold the Faith: Our utmost goal should not be to enjoy the earth, but to finish our Christian journey in the eternal home of Christ and finish well by leading others to Christ. You must labour to reach the end by constantly renewing your mind and faith. Through this, we can run as a runner who focuses on winning well. You can read 1st Corinthians 11:14, Philemon 2:16 and 2nd Timothy 4:2 to learn further as regards upholding your faith.
Qualities of a True Witness of Christ
- Utmost belief and identity in God: You cannot be a witness of a God you do not have total belief in Him. You must also be a worthy ambassador of His identity which you represent. In Acts 19:15, the seven sons of Sceva went about driving evil spirits, only to receive a resounding beating. when the demons could not identify them. That is exactly how it is for an individual who witnesses or testifies about a God they know nothing about. You must totally believe in God and identify with the power of salvation at work in you.
- The fruits of the Spirit
Witnessing for Christ is a command and a duty that every Christian should engage in (Matthew 28: 18-19). The command is to go into the world and make disciples in large folds. This command is for every believer to obey, and that by doing this, the grace and power to be strong is made available (Acts 1:8) As a true believer, you should make up your mind to live on growing in faith, and certainly, the grace to witness for Christ will be multiplied unto you.
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