5 Ways to Respond to God's Call

From the times of old and up until now, God has always called men into His service. In our website's biography section, we have written stories about men and women of God such as Archbishop Benson Idahosa, Kathryn Kuhlman, Apostle Obadare, Apostle Joseph Ayodele Babalola, Apostle Joshua Selman, Bishop David Oyedepo, and many others who were called into diverse ministry work and assignments for the kingdom of God. With all these mighty men and women of God, one thing is common - they responded to God's call properly and that is why they are relevant references for us today. 

While it is a good and honourable thing to hear and respond to God's call, one thing must be carefully emphasised - God does not call you out of the blues for just any assignment. He prepares you and gives you the ability for that assignment before he calls you into it. Also, the words of Pastor Daniel Olawande aptly says that the fact that there is a need somewhere does not mean that God is calling you. You must be sure that need is something He'd like you to solve at that time. 

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The first eight verses of Isaiah 6 illustrate how God calls many people into His service. After Isaiah sees a vision of God, the Lord laid out a need for someone to speak for Him. God has a message and is looking for a messenger in everyone who has come to him as a believer. God has issued a general call for everyone, and in Isaiah's case, he took it personally.

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Isaiah on his accord will most likely refuse to yield to God's call. But then, he had to respond because he understood that God's call is not forced; it is privileged. That said, here are five solid ways to help you respond to the divine call of God.

1. See it as an Opportunity

When God calls, a believer must see it as a specific privilege and an opportunity to make a difference and impact lives positively. You also know the popular cliche that opportunity comes once right? Not totally true, but then you must also understand that this opportunity of God's call has come in its perfect timing. For Isaiah, it came in the year that King Uzziah died (Isaiah 6:1) and the people of the land needed a turn to a lifestyle of holiness. Your will to obey God should be a free one and without any compulsion and that is when it will truly work for you.

2. See God's ability in you

You have likely heard that God does not call the qualified; instead, he qualifies the called. In the same manner, whenever God calls you to an assignment, you must recognise that He has deposited the relevant gifts in you to help you do something about that need. This does not always have to do with competence (Isaiah 6:6,7)

3. Build a burning Desire

By answering God's call, you are choosing to step out and address the need of people according to God's assignment. While our hunger for God is able to push us to answer His call, we must deliberately build a burning desire that will sustain us and keep the hunger for God active. Otherwise, it is likely that you may burn out especially if there are trials in the course of your assignment. A burning desire has to do with your passion (Isaiah 6:8)

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The experience of Isaiah should be a standard for our own process of responding to a divine call to lead. Isaiah got a vision of God (Isaiah6:1-4), a vision of himself  (Isaiah 6:5-7), and a vision of ministry (Isaiah 6:8) ...These processes apply to every believer in responding to a divine call from God.

Isaiah first had the Revelation of God. He saw the Lord in a face to face encounter that changed him forever. Thereafter, he realised God's Holiness where he experiences God as holy, through this encounter the Lord becomes more than an abstract idea. Isaiah learns of God's awesome personality.

4. Stay in Alignment

When God calls you to an assignment, he gives you a special consecration. It is important to live in alignment with this consecration as 

Also, Isaiah recognised  his own sinfulness by seeing the vast distance between God and himself.He sees the infinite contrast and is broken of self. At that point, his perspective was renewed (Isaiah 6:6,7)

An angel touched the prophet (Isaiah) cleansing him and giving him a new outlook.He is ready to serve. From there, the response of his lifestyle was one of complete surrender (Isaiah 6:8)

When the Lord calls, Isaiah eagerly steps forward...


God's call upon a believer is marked by a very fruitful life.


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