Jesus speaking in scripture says that those things which proceed out of the heart are the things that defile. This is because right there in the heart are thoughts such as adultery, theft, and all manner of things that negate the nature of God. And it is impossible to think the way God thinks when his life has not come into a man. This is the reason the new birth experience is of a truth important. The scripture in Philippians 2:5 says that we are to let the mind that was in Christ Jesus be in us, meaning that we are to think like him, and our hearts just as his would think no evil should think no evil as well.
This is that which we shall be considering today. How that as believers, our thoughts need to be in conformity with the will of God per time, and never at any time should we allow any thought that contradict the nature of God in us to dwell in our hearts. That as believers, we are to relate with one another in ways that bring glory to God. This is the instruction of God for us today even as we begin to round off this series on scriptural instruction. The passage of scripture to be considered is seen below,
"Devise not evil against thy neighbour, seeing he dwelleth securely by thee. [30] Strive not with a man without cause, if he have done thee no harm." (Proverbs 3:29, 30).
The scripture above instructs not to devise evil against your neighbour. This is to tell you that there are people who devise evil against their neighbours. There are people who all they think in their hearts is to perpetrate evil, to cause persons to stumble. There are people who are always bitter with their neighbours and some even wish death for their neighbours. These are people who do not possess the mind of Christ and whose hearts have not been regenerated. It is saying to you and I that we are different, that we are of God, and that we have the mind of Christ. This means that we are not to act like those people. It says that as believers, we are not devise (think, plan) evil against our neighbours.
It is not of God to devise evil for even he is merciful both to them who do evil and them who do good. This we must bear in mind. We are not to think evil against our neighbours at all especially when they dwell securely by us, that is, when they feel confident about the fact that they are with us, close to us, and are comfortable being with us. Let it not be heard, let it not be named that you have the thought or plan to do something bad to that brother or sister who stays innocently by you. Do not think of it. Do not plan to do anything contrary to the nature of God at work in you. Do not devise evil against your neighbour it says.
Then it instructs again in the next verse not to strive (contend) with a man (any man) without cause, if he has done nothing to you to cause you harm. It is against your nature as a believer to go finding fault or causing issues. Do not live your life that way. It is not of God to do so. Contention is not of God not even to talk about contending with one who has done you no harm. The word of God instructs us today that we should live our lives in ways that please the Lord; that we should not devise evil at all especially against our neighbours who dwell innocently by us, and we should not strive as believers at all especially with those who do us no harm. May the Lord help us to obey these instructions. Amen.
Thought for the day:
You are not to devise evil at all, especially not to those who dwell innocently by you, and you should not to strive at all, especially not with those who do you no harm.
Gospel Today is a comforting, exhorting, edifying and inspiring devotional published by Delightsome Land Christian Ministry. For questions, enquiries/testimonies, kindly call/WhatsApp: 08174915361 or 08161655758.
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