Let not Your Heart be Troubled: Gospel Today Devotional - 31st August

Let not Your Heart be Troubled: Gospel Today Devotional - 31st August
The month of August has been an interesting one as we considered the theme, "Scriptural instructions". The Lord through his word opened our eyes to what we are to do as believes on the account of that which he has instructed us to do. We have seen how that scripture instructs the believer to do quite a number of things as helped by the Spirit of God. Also, emphasis was laid on the fact that it is not just enough to know that we have been instructed, right? But that we see to it that whatever instruction has been given to us even as we have seen as a result of this study, we are to do just one thing, right? And what is that? Obey. Hallelujah!

Today marks the end of the teaching for this month as we would be considering another theme in the coming month and I trust that the Lord will bless us in no small way. You see, it is possible we become troubled somehow and most times for no reason even as believers, don't you agree? There are times we let ourselves worry over things that we are not supposed to worry about, don't we? Yes, we do. If this is the case, what then should be our attitude to this such that we worry no more over things especially things that shouldn't even bother us.

Just as we have been considering from the beginning of the month, we shall be seeing from scripture today what the Lord instructs that we do and how that as believers, we are not to be troubled in heart. This is that which today's lesson seeks to reveal to us and I trust the Lord to minister to your heart as well as he does to mine. Praise God! The passage of scripture to be considered is seen below,

"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me". (John 14:1).

This scripture came as a result of Jesus' address to his disciples. The statement was Jesus' statement. It was a statement that was meant to comfort the disciples having heard that Christ was going to leave them soon. And so that they do not begin to see that as a reason to be worried as to what they were perhaps going to do without him, this statement had to come. Jesus speaking to them instructed them not to to let their hearts be troubled. It may mean to say that they had let their hearts begin to get troubled as a result of that which they heard. And if you recall that in chapter 13, Christ had said a lot of things to them that made it known to them that he would soon be leaving them and that where he was going, they won't be able to follow him immediately but afterwards (John 13:33, 36). So, chapter 14:1 was Jesus addressing them as a result of what had happened in chapter 13.

They had let what he said got to them that they were no longer seeing the essence of his departure but were rather bothered that he was leaving them. This was the basis of Jesus' instruction to his disciples as if he was saying to them, "Come on! Listen guys, do not begin to worry because of what I have said to you. I am going to prepare a place for you and I will come again to take you where I am going so you can be with me". Do you get the idea? They were worried that he was leaving but he needed them to see the essence of his departure. Jesus instructed them not to be troubled in heart.

Just the same way the instruction was given to the disciples then, the instruction is coming to us as believers today that as believers we should not give room for our hearts to be troubled. Yes, situations may arise, we may hear things that we really would not want to hear, disappointments may come and sometimes, things may not go as we have planned. It may even be that we are trusting the Lord for something and it seems as though there's a delay, the instruction to you and I is that we are not to let it bother us such that we begin to panic and fret, and how do we this? By putting our trust in the Lord that he is working things out for our good and that truly all things work together for good to them that love God and are the called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). The Lord help us to obey in Jesus' name. Amen.

Thought for the day

Are you worried? Have you given your heart the opportunity to be troubled as a result of things happening? The Lord says not to let your be troubled. He is working things out for you.

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