Putting our trust in men is something we should learn not to do as believers. The Bible talks about and warns against it. This is because often times when we do that, we only end up regretting that we ever did. Isn't it interesting to know that one who says to come today so he can help you will in the next minute begin to give excuses why he won't be able do that anymore?
Should there be any basis for comparing God's faithfulness with man's, it is expected that man will fail over and over again. It is futile to want to rely on or trust completely as the case may be the words or the promises of a man.
It was recorded twice in Psalm 118(vs 8, 9) that it is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. The question that comes to mind then is this; why is it better to trust the Lord than to put confidence in man? The scripture below gives an answer to that question,
"Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth, and a foot out of joint".( Proverbs 25:19).
It is important to trust God than to put confidence in man according to this scripture because the faithfulness of a man cannot be trusted. It is even worse to put confidence not just in a man, but a man who is unfaithful.
In time of trouble, to put confidence in an unfaithful man(one who has a track record of not keeping to his words or promises) is like a broken tooth and a foot out of joint( will dash your hope against the wall, disappoint you, and leave you helpless, and make you feel as though your tooth is broken or your foot is out of joint).
What an admonition to the believer? This means that a man that is unfaithful will never keep to his words. He will never fulfil his promise. This is because, as compared to God, such a one is not faithful. If on a normal day, his faithfulness cannot be trusted, how much more in the day of trouble? He will only disappoint. The one who alone can be trusted even in the day of trouble (perhaps in a time of desperate need) is God. Let your confidence be in him alone. May the Lord cause this word to dwell richly in us.
Thought for the day:
The only person you should ever trust to do as he says or promise is God. He alone is faithful even in times of desperate need.
Gospel Today is a comforting, exhorting, edifying and inspiring devotional published by the Delightsome Land Christian Ministry. For questions, enquiries/testimonies, please call/WhatsApp: 08174915361, 08161655758 or Email: [email protected].
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