The Memory of the Just: Gospel Today Devotional - 6th September, 2022


The Memory of the Just: Gospel Today Devotional - 6th September, 2022

Mr Kingsley was a very good man who lived with happiness, and vigour. He was a father of five, being his biological children, and was also a father to many other children as a result of his kindness. Each festive  period, he would make provisions for those of his household, and those living around.

He provided items such as bags of rice, vegetable oil, seasonings, etc. He also gave out cash, a sum of fifty thousand naira each to those who came around. He was loved by all, and shouldn't have died. At his funeral, a lot of things were said about him; good things of course. It's been ten years after his death, and his memory remains forever blessed.

The hypothetical story above shows to us that the good one though he dies is still remembered even after his death. Today's devotional would cause you and I to see something very important in the scripture. It is seen in the verse below,

"The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot". ( Proverbs 10:7).

What is this scripture trying to point out to us? It makes a comparison between the life of a good ( just) man who dies, and that of the wicked as well; and that death happens to both of them. Its aim is to point to us to the fact that when a just man dies, his memory doesn't die with him, and by memory, we mean the things remembered of him by people.

Just like the story of Mr Kingsley above, a just man may die but many years after his death, people would still remember him for all the things he did. Similarly, a wicked man also dies, but no sooner than later is his name forgotten because of the wicked things he did. His name and memory perish with him.

The memory (remembrance by people of ) a just man (good man) is blessed ( even after his death, remains a blessing to people), but the name of the wicked shall rot( shall perish with him and be totally forgotten). Praise God.

What do we have to learn from this? Death happens to all but the memory we live behind is that which matters, and as believers, just in nature as a result of God's saving grace, we should seek to live our lives such that even after our demise, those who were beneficiaries of our words, manner of life, and kind gestures would have a blessed memory of us, and  that it blesses them at all times. Please remember that the memory of the just is blessed. The Lord help us to live our lives well enough. Amen.

Thought for the day: The just dies, and so does the wicked. The memory of the just is blessed (forever remembered), but the name of the wicked perishes(is quite easily forgotten) with him.

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