There's always a reward given to one who does something right, isn't it? Suppose you have two sons for instance and then you ask them to do something, the one does it well enough and the other didn't even do it at all. What will you do to make the one who didn't do it at all know that what he did is actually not the right thing to do? You may most likely create a system of reward, right? Such that the one who did well gets rewarded for what he did and this in turn serves as a lesson to the one who didn't get to do it at all, right?
Let's say as a father, the reward you decide to give them for doing what you asked them to do is a sumptuous meal say fried rice and chicken with a chilled soft drink for both of them, each one to his share. Even if one did what you asked them to do and the other didn't, will you give one food and cause the other to starve? Will you be able to bear not seeing one of your child eat knowing fully well that he is famished?
The answer is no, right? It would have been different if he wasn't your son. Although he didn't do what you asked him to do and shouldn't get out of the fried rice and chicken with the chilled soft drink yet because he is your son, you still will not want him to be hungry even if he doesn't get the full package, he will still get something so he can learn at least to obey his instructions when next he is given one. What is my point from this whole illustration, chiefly the fact that a father will not suffer his child to be hungry not even when the child offends him. Let's see the passage of scripture below,
"The Lord will not suffer the soul of the righteous to famish.". (Proverbs 10:3a).
We are sons of God, aren't we? And Christ died that we might become the righteousness of God in him, right? (2 Corinthians 5:21). If Christ who knew no sin was made sin for us that we 'might' become the righteousness of God in him, it means that if we ever will through faith believe in him and accept his work on the cross for us, we become that for which he took upon himself our sins: the righteousness of God. It means to say that faith in the Son of God who became sin for us is what confers on us righteousness. He bore our sins so that we might become, and if we will believe even as we have, we then become the righteousness of God in him. Do you get the idea?
What then is the point? It means that because we have believed, we are now the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and hence we are righteous. Praise God. Having explained that, let's see what today's lesson say about the righteous. Shall we? Who are the righteous first of all? All who have believed Christ to be the Son of God and have placed faith in him as Saviour and Lord. I am glad you and I fall into this category, aren't you? Look at what the scripture says. It says that the Lord just as a father in our illustration will not like to see his child hungry even if he wrongs him also will not suffer the soul of the righteous to famish. Praise God.
This means that God will not allow our souls to be famished, why? Because we are now his. If our souls thirst for him and pants for him like the deer for the water brooks, he will reveal himself (Psalm 42:1). If our soul grows weary, he will restore (Psalm 23:3). If we become thirsty in our souls, he will greatly fill with rivers of living waters. He will at no point in time suffer the soul of the righteous (those who as a result of the sacrifice of Jesus have been reconciled to God) to famish (to be in a state of continual want for him). He will come to feed the soul of the righteous with himself. The Lord will never leave the soul of the righteous to famish. This then is an admonition to seek the Lord even more, yearn for him, pant for him, why? Because he will surely satisfy since he won't suffer the soul of the righteous to famish. The Lord help us to understand this truth.
Thought for the day: The Lord gives himself to the righteous. He is the satisfaction for your soul. Seek him, draw near to him, and he will satisfy your soul with himself for he (the Lord) does not suffer the soul of the righteous to famish.
Gospel Today is a comforting, exhorting, edifying and inspiring devotional published by the Delightsome Land Christian Ministry. For questions, enquiries/testimonies, please call/WhatsApp: 08174915361, 08161655758 or Email: [email protected].
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