It is true, and of course I believe as well that the proof of anyone professing anything whether it is a particular belief is the fact that he or she must through his or her actions back up such profession. This will in fact tell to people that you're not just one who says a thing just because he wants to say it but that your actions are very much in alignment with your statement.
This is true, right? Imagine someone was caught for stealing something, and was beaten till he almost died, and after a while the same person comes to you having considered his ways that he no longer will be involved in such act. This he said, and left, and you were indeed very happy only to discover that some days later this same person has done even worse than he did before. Did he truly change? I doubt. His action didn't align with his profession.
That's our focus today, that as believers, saved by grace through faith, we are to not just by our words but also by our actions show of a truth that we have been saved, and that people need not condemn us because we say a thing but we do another totally different from that which we say. Permit me to share a verse of scripture with you, and I trust that the Lord through his word will speak to your heart. The scripture is seen below,
"If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth". (1 John 1:6).
It is true that many profess Jesus to be Lord, and Saviour, and many profess to have fellowship with him but that's not all. The fellowship we have with the Lord should birth something in us that others will see especially those who are of a contrary opinion to make them know we do not just talk but there's an evidence of God's power working in us, and through us.
If a man claims to love his wife, and he is never committed to her, won't you doubt his love for her? Of course because his actions tells you that his words aren't true, and should not be trusted.
So if anyone claims to be a believer who has fellowship with the Lord, and walks in darkness( and do things that are are contrary to the truth he has heard, and very much different from the nature of God), such a person lies and does not do what is right.
Our fellowship with God should, and must be seen clearly in the way we live, and act. We do not just profess to be believers, we are believers, and we should live as believers. Let it show. Let it speak forth. If there's no darkness in God, and if we are in him, and fellowship with him of a truth, we shouldn't walk in darkness as well. This is the transformation that happened to us, the transformation from darkness to light. Let me leave you with this question, is your action in alignment with your profession? Do you do otherwise and yet claim to have fellowship with the Lord? You may want to answer this for yourself. The Lord help us to live what we profess.
Thought for the day
It is expedient that as believers, our words must correspond with our actions, and our fellowship with God must be seen in, and through our actions. Do you do otherwise, and yet claim to have fellowship with the Lord?
Gospel Today is a comforting, exhorting, edifying and inspiring devotional published by the Delightsome Land Christian Ministry. For questions, enquiries/testimonies, please call/WhatsApp: 08174915361, 08161655758 or Email: [email protected].
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