When Christ died, he was resurrected on the third day and then, He showed Himself to the disciples. He gave them a mandate, an assignment which now belongs to everyone who has come into the family of God. Basically, the assignment was to "Go, preach the gospel and make disciples of all nations".
Is there a method that could aid us while doing this work we have been given? Is there something we need to take note of? In essence, what can make us effective witnesses of the gospel?
1. Live your Life Rightfully
To be an effective minister of the gospel, you must live right. Let your life be consistent with the message you preach. Guard against strife at all cost. Practice decency in dressing, speech and comportment.2. Have Great Compassion on People
Just like Christ was compassionate towards all whom He healed and set free from oppression, be compassionate too. We are not to preach the gospel or move in the power of God for show, we do it out of love towards the perishing man. Likewise, you don't look at people with disdain while presenting the gospel to them. For instance, while preaching to a smoker or a prostitute who just had an abortion, you don't scrunch up your face and behave as if you're better than them. Speak to them in love.
3. Keep Good company
In becoming an effective witness, the type of company you keep matters. The Bible says, "Be not deceived, evil communications corrupt good manners". You cannot afford to have a best friend who isn't a Christian! How can you seek help in times of trouble? Now, this doesn't mean you isolate yourself, you can honour all men, speak respectfully and with love with everyone but there must be a boundary!
Can you call your best friends in times of persecution and ask them to pray for and with you? Does the company you keep spend so much time "being in vogue" with the world's standard? This should be the question you must answer truthfully in becoming an effective witness.
Can you call your best friends in times of persecution and ask them to pray for and with you? Does the company you keep spend so much time "being in vogue" with the world's standard? This should be the question you must answer truthfully in becoming an effective witness.
4. Pray Always
You generate power when you pray. If you don't pray, you cannot witness effectively. The apostles of old were able to serve effectively because they prayed. Acts 4:31,"And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness."
Boldness can only be gotten from the place of prayers.
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